Jurong Bird Park, Singapore Visited by Gouri and Gayathri 1/4/20111Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri
Monorail, a trip round the park 1/4/20112Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri The monorail passing thro’Pelican Cove
Colorful Macaws Blue and gold Macaws, Scarlet Macaws, Military Macaws, Golden collared Macaws 1/4/20113Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri
Vulturine Guinea fowl sterling and myna 1/4/20114Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri
Toucan with its amazing beak 1/4/20115Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri
Storks and Pelicans 1/4/20116Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri
Caribbean Flamingoes 1/4/20117Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri
Other birds found in the park 1/4/20118Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri Emu Parakeet Grebe Cuckatoos
Bird Feeding Lorikeets drinking Nectar 1/4/20119Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri
Spectacular Bird and Buddy show 1/4/201110Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri Hornbills Toucans Lorries Pelicans Flamingoes Parakeets Take part in the show
Penguin World King penguin at the back 1/4/201111Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri
Flamingo lake Thank You 1/4/201112Jurong,Singapore Gourigayathri