OCOEE MIDDLE SCHOOL STAFF DEVELOPMENT JANUARY 6, 2014 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW K. COVINGTON, IC Be sure to sign-in on the attendance sheet while here in the Library. Thanks!
YOU! A teacher makes a difference in lives everyday! Opening windows to the world… butterfly-effect/store butterfly-effect/store
Review…? GREAT Instruction. Common Core. EVERYONE’S ROLE IN IMPLEMENTATION. School-wide strategies. Content specific videos. Pearson Access.
GREAT Instruction… Guided by Standards/Data/Curriculum Rigorous & Relevant Engaging & Exciting Assessment Tailored
GREAT Instruction: Guided by… Standards: Common Core Review of Key Shifts in ELA/Literacy CCSS. 1. Complexity: Regular practice with complex text and its academic language. 2. Evidence: Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational. 3.Knowledge: Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction Math CCSS. 1.Focus: Strongly where Standards focus. 2.Coherence: Think across grades, & link major topics within grades. 3.Rigor : Require conceptual understanding, procedural skill & fluency, & application with intensity. Data: High Stakes Testing, Benchmarks (DE), Formative Assessments Curriculum: Mapping & Pacing Guides to correlate with standards.
GREAT Instruction: Rigorous & Relevant “College Talk”—Tier 2 Vocabulary. ( Handout) “12 Powerful Words” (Handout) Differentiation. Instruction addressing ways students vary as learners. Differentiation Central Video 1– 1:55 “What is Differentiation?” Video 2- 6:01 “Differentiate According to Students’…”
GREAT Instruction: Engaging & Exciting The ‘eyes’ don’t have it! Kids recall _________ % … of what they read, hear, see % Writing & then talking about it... ________% sticking rate! 70-90% "Research from every branch of learning science...all concurs: learners must act on information in order to understand, remember, and use it. from Content-Area Writing, Daniels, Zimmerman, & Steineke, 2007
GREAT Instruction: Assessment Assessment based on student mastery of standards… Assessment developing/showing ‘growth’ in students…
GREAT Instruction: Tailored Tailored in all disciplines…PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER…to ‘fit’student needs, encompassing Common Core & mastery of standards, utilizing evidence from text, incorporating academic language, building knowledge--through reading, writing, & speaking. We are ALL ‘IN’.
Common Core Questions to Consider Ms. Wessling talks about how the Core focuses on the skills of learning. How will you focus on these skills in your classroom? How could you adapt the exemplar performance tasks for use in your classroom? Why is it important to teach literacy across disciplines? common-core-standards Think Alouds, Unpacking the Standards (14)
Engagement Strategies The Wingman: Engaging Reluctant Students (2) Collaborative Group Work: Protocol (3) signals?fd=1 Communicating Learning with Silent Signals (2)
Accountable Talk Improving Participation with Talk Moves (3) discussion Strategies for Student-Centered Discussions (7)
ELA Questions to Consider: What scaffolds does Ms. Wessling put into place to get her students using new vocabulary? Which words are best suited for paint chips? How could you use paint chips in your classroom? Vocabulary Paint Chips (2) Questions to Consider: How does small group discussion prepare students for their writing task? What role does reading aloud play in the revision process? How does this strategy make work more manageable and effective for both teachers and students? Small Group Writing (5)
Math Questions to Consider: How does this strategy allow for immediate re-teaching? What criteria does Ms. Alcala use to pick her favorite no? How does Ms. Alcala use assessment data to inform her teaching? My Favorite NO: Learning from Mistakes (6) Questions to Consider: Why is it significant that students compete for "no prize whatsoever"? How does competition eliminate many classroom management issues? Notice how the energy of the class shifts as they hurry to pass back the cards. Why is this important just before beginning a task? Engaging Students: Make it a Competition (1)
Science Questions to Consider: Why is it important for students to consider what they will read before begin reading? How does this strategy get students curious and excited about what they are about to read? Consider having students make their own "word cloud" in groups after reading an article. Literacy in Science: Word Clouds (1) Questions to Consider: Why is it beneficial to have students identify challenging vocabulary on their own? How could you consider vocabulary development when selecting texts for your students? How would you have students share and define the words they select? Building Science Vocabulary (2)
Social Studies Reading Like a Historian: Historian in Training (1+) Questions to Consider: What makes an effective question? Why is it important to gather evidence for both sides? How is asking a focus question different from stating a lesson objective? Reading Like a Historian: Focus Questions (2) Questions to Consider: What criteria could you use to select effective primary source documents? Why does Ms. Duvoor suggest starting with short passages? documents Reading Like a Historian: Primary Source Documents (2)
Go to Under “Select Your Program,” choose Tennessee. To give an online EOC / TCAP practice test, or to view the online subcategory tests, click on the “Support” tab at the top of the page. On the left hand side of the page, click on the “ePATs” link. Click on the appropriate bubble under the tab: Achievement. The PDF Teacher’s guides provide the answers and overview of the EOC practice tests. At the bottom of the page, click next to go to the next page until you see the online test you wish to access. *Make sure to check out all of the pages. You should see the new 2012 releases for your EOC / TCAP tests and tests for your subcategories. You should also see multiple Item Samplers. Click on the appropriate test. It will load in an interactive Test Navigator. Students can type in their names and take the test. When students are finished, they can submit their answers and the Navigator will grade it. It will not save the students work. At this point, a student can print their results or take a screen shot of it and it to you.
TEACHER Jokes… 1. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses? Because her pupils were so bright. 2. Why did the teacher write on the window? Because he wanted the lesson to be very clear. 3. Why did the teachers go to the beach? To TEST the water.
Thanks! Have a great rest of the day! Go to your next session… Go to Lunch... Go to your ‘end of the day’ activity…