Unit 1 Test Review Mr. Lutke World His/Geo
I wear blue jeans and white sneakers everyday of my life This is an example of customs and traditions. The way people act, eat, dress
America has an economy that is partially market and partially government controlled This would fall under economy The system used to distribute goods and services
Our state passes laws that are upheld by our police officers Forms of Government
Mr. Blake goes to a Justin Bieber concert at Red Rocks and brings Mojo as his date This is an example of art and literature Things people do to entertain themselves
On Sunday’s I go to church and it helps me understand the meaning of life Religion
5- THEMES of Geo Location Place Human Environment Interaction Movement Regions
Michigan is part of the mid- west Region
In Summit County near the towering peaks of the ten-mile range it often snows on the first day of fall Place Answers the question “what is it like there”
The Mid-west Region
There are currently 27,000 full time residents in Summit county Also place Remember Human and Physical Characteristics
The Northwest United States tends to be rainy Region
In the far North of North America people used to build igloos for shelter because snow and ice is readily available Human Environment interaction How people depend on, modify or adapt to their environment
Flooding in Boulder County has damaged many homes and cars HEI
Maps Know the different types of maps and what they would be good for.
What are the types of maps we studied Mercator Peters Robinson Interupted
Which of these maps is 100% accurate None
“Movement” refers to what Movement of people, goods and ideas Please provide an example of each
30 degrees N is an example of what Latitude Latitude lines go laterally around the globe
When writing the absolute location of a city which the coordinate that comes first is N,S or E,W N,S Latitude is always first