Spring: The Cross February Sun 7AtonementLeviticus 16 Sun 14Take up crossMark 8 Sun 21Lifted upJohn 3 Sun 28Laying downJohn 10 March Sun 6Dying to SinRomans.


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Presentation transcript:

Spring: The Cross February Sun 7AtonementLeviticus 16 Sun 14Take up crossMark 8 Sun 21Lifted upJohn 3 Sun 28Laying downJohn 10 March Sun 6Dying to SinRomans 6 Sun 13ObediencePhilippians 2 Sun 20Suffering ServantLuke 22 Thu 24The Lamb of GodExodus 12 Fri 25Words from the crossLuke/John

The Gospel is Jesus’ faithfulness leading to our faithfulness I’m not ashamed of the gospel: it is God’s own power for salvation to all the faithful. God’s righteousness is being revealed in the gospel, from faithfulness into faithfulness, as it is written, The righteous person will live by faithfulness. Romans 1:16,17

God’s Wrath against ungodly behaviour 1:18 God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all the ungodly behaviour. 21 Although they knew God, they didn’t honour God as God or thank him. 24 So God abandoned them to their hearts’ desires. 29 So they were filled with all injustice, wicked behaviour, greed, and evil behaviour. They are full of jealousy, murder, fighting, deception, and malice. They are gossips, 30 they slander people, and they hate God. They are rude and proud, and they brag. They invent ways to be evil, and they are disobedient to their parents. 31 They are without understanding, disloyal, without affection, and without mercy. 32 Though they know God’s decision that those who persist in such practices deserve death, they not only keep doing these things but also approve others who practice them. (Romans 1:19-32)

The Answer: Jesus’ righteous faithfulness I’m not ashamed of the gospel: it is God’s own power for salvation to all the faithful. God’s righteousness is being revealed in the gospel, from faithfulness into faithfulness, as it is written, The righteous person will live by faithfulness. Romans 1:16,17

3:22 God’s righteousness comes through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ for *into all who are faithful. 23 All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory, 24 but all are treated as righteous freely by his grace because of the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. 25 Through his faithfulness, God displayed Jesus as the offering-by-which-wrath-is-appeased Propitiation by means of his blood. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness in passing over sins that happened before, 26 during the time of God’s patient tolerance. The Answer: redemption & propitiation

1 The price is paid, Come let us enter in To all that Jesus died To make our own. For every sin More than enough He gave, And bought our freedom from each guilty stain. The price is paid, Alleluia, Amazing grace, So strong and sure; And so with all my heart, My life in every part, I live to thank You for The price You paid. 2 The price is paid, See Satan flee away; For Jesus crucified Destroys his power. No more to pay, Let accusation cease, In Christ there is No condemnation now. 3 The price is paid, And by that scourging cruel He took our sicknesses As if His own. And by His wounds, His body broken there, His healing touch may now by faith be known. 4 The price is paid, ‘Worthy the Lamb’ we cry, Eternity shall never Cease His praise. The church of Christ Shall rule upon the earth, In Jesus’ name we have Authority.

The Gospel is Jesus’ faithfulness leading to our faithfulness I’m not ashamed of the gospel: it is God’s own power for salvation to all the faithful. God’s righteousness is being revealed in the gospel, from faithfulness into faithfulness, as it is written, The righteous person will live by faithfulness. Romans 1:16,17

Effect: Reconciled to God 5:1 Therefore, since we have been made righteous through his faithfulness, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 8 God shows his love for us, because while we were still sinners Christ died for us. 9 So, now that we have been made righteous by his blood, we can be even more certain that we will be saved from God’s wrath through him. 10 If we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son while we were still enemies, now that we have been reconciled, how much more certain is it that we will be saved by his life? 11 And not only that: we even take pride in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, the one through whom we now have a restored relationship with God.

1 All heaven declares The glory of the risen Lord. Who can compare with the beauty of the Lord? Forever He will be the Lamb upon the throne. I gladly bow the knee and worship Him alone. 2 I will proclaim The glory of the risen Lord, Who once was slain To reconcile man to God. Forever You will be the Lamb upon the throne. I gladly bow the knee and worship You alone.

Effect: Dead to Sin, Alive to Christ 6:1 Should we continue sinning so grace will multiply? 2 Absolutely not! All of us died to sin. How can we still live in it? 3 Or don’t you know that all who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 Therefore, we were buried together with him through baptism into his death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too can walk in newness of life. 5 If we were united together in a death like his, we will also be united together in a resurrection like his. 6 This is what we know: the person that we used to be was crucified with him in order to get rid of the corpse that had been controlled by sin. That way we wouldn’t be slaves to sin anymore, 7 because a person who has died has been freed from sin’s power.

Effect: Dead to Sin, Alive to Christ 8 But if we died with Christ, we have faith that we will also live with him. 9 We know that Christ has been raised from the dead and he will never die again. Death no longer has power over him. 10 He died to sin once and for all with his death, but he lives for God with his life. 11 In the same way, you also should consider yourselves dead to sin but alive for God in Christ Jesus. Thank God for his written Word to us

3 Spirit, watch over me, Lead me to Jesus’ feet. Cause me to worship and fill me anew, Spirit, watch over me. 1 River, wash over me, Cleanse me and make me new. Bathe me, refresh me and fill me anew, River wash over me. 2 Jesus, rule over me, Reign over all my heart. Teach me to praise You and fill me anew, Jesus, rule over me