SNU423 SK-Hep1 HepG2 HA22T AR GAPDH Supplemental Fig. S1 Endogenous AR expression in various HCC cell lines Supplemental Fig. S2 Multiple E:T ratio for NK cells against HCC cells
Supplemental Fig. S3 Tunel assay for NK cells against SNU-423 cells SNU423-ScrSNU423-shAR Supplemental Fig. S4 IL-12p35 release of HCC cells with various AR Supplemental Fig. S5 MAGNET V2.0 calculated correlation between IL12A and AR
NontumorPeritumor Intratumor Patient 22 CD56 Supplemental Fig. S6 Distribution of NK cells in different region of HCC Supplemental Fig. S9 Correlation analysis for animal tumor samples staining Supplemental Fig. S7 IL-12p35 release induced by sorafenib treatment Supplemental Fig. S8 Ectopic AR in HCC cells interrupted sorafenib induced IL-12A
Supplemental figure 1. Different expression level of AR in HCC cells lines we applied. Supplemental figure 2. LDH cytotoxic assay performed with HA22T-AR (upper panel) or SK-AR (lower panel) cells. Multiple E:T ratios were compared. Data shown are mean±SEM. *** P< 0.001, ** P<0.01, * P<0.05. Supplemental figure 3. TUNEL staining for second HCC cell line, SNU423, after adding NK-92MI cells. Left panel is representative TUNEL staining image and right panel is quantification result. *** P< 0.001, ** P<0.01, * P<0.05. Supplemental figure 4. Culture media was collected from HCC cells with different AR expression at different time points. Then we detected IL-12p35 in media with an ELISA kit. *** P< 0.001, ** P<0.01, * P<0.05. Supplemental figure 5. Correlation analysis result generated from MAGNET V2.0 website by using TCGA database. Supplemental figure 6. Representative image for CD56+ NK cells in nontumor, peritumor and intratumor tissue, and CD56+ cells quantification. *** P< 0.001, ** P<0.01, * P<0.05. Supplemental figure 7. Culture media was collected from HCC cells treated with sorafenib for 24 hours. Then we detected IL-12p35 in media with an ELISA kit. *** P< 0.001, ** P<0.01, * P<0.05. Supplemental figure 8. Ectopic AR was provided into HCC cells by lentivirus, then treated with 4uM sorafenib for further testing IL-12A expression with Western Blot. Supplemental figure 9. Quantification results for staining IL-12A and AR in orthotopic HCC tumors from nude mice. Left panel is comparing AR(+) and AR(-). Right panel is showing the difference after sorafenib treatment.