CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-1 Large Graph Mining: Power Tools and a Practitioner’s guide Task 8: hadoop and Tera/Peta byte graphs Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis CMU
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-2 Outline Introduction – Motivation Task 1: Node importance Task 2: Community detection Task 3: Recommendations Task 4: Connection sub-graphs Task 5: Mining graphs over time Task 6: Virus/influence propagation Task 7: Spectral graph theory Task 8: Tera/peta graph mining: hadoop Observations – patterns of real graphs Conclusions
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-3 Scalability How about if graph/tensor does not fit in core? How about handling huge graphs?
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-4 Scalability How about if graph/tensor does not fit in core? [‘MET’: Kolda, Sun, ICMD’08, best paper award] How about handling huge graphs?
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-5 Scalability Google: > 450,000 processors in clusters of ~2000 processors each [ Barroso, Dean, Hölzle, “Web Search for a Planet: The Google Cluster Architecture” IEEE Micro 2003 ] Yahoo: 5Pb of data [Fayyad, KDD’07] Problem: machine failures, on a daily basis How to parallelize data mining tasks, then?
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-6 Scalability Google: > 450,000 processors in clusters of ~2000 processors each [ Barroso, Dean, Hölzle, “Web Search for a Planet: The Google Cluster Architecture” IEEE Micro 2003 ] Yahoo: 5Pb of data [Fayyad, KDD’07] Problem: machine failures, on a daily basis How to parallelize data mining tasks, then? A: map/reduce – hadoop (open-source clone)
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-7 2’ intro to hadoop master-slave architecture; n-way replication (default n=3) ‘group by’ of SQL (in parallel, fault-tolerant way) e.g, find histogram of word frequency –compute local histograms –then merge into global histogram select course-id, count(*) from ENROLLMENT group by course-id
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-8 2’ intro to hadoop master-slave architecture; n-way replication (default n=3) ‘group by’ of SQL (in parallel, fault-tolerant way) e.g, find histogram of word frequency –compute local histograms –then merge into global histogram select course-id, count(*) from ENROLLMENT group by course-id map reduce
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-9 User Program Reducer Master Mapper fork assign map assign reduce read local write remote read, sort Output File 0 Output File 1 write Split 0 Split 1 Split 2 Input Data (on HDFS) By default: 3-way replication; Late/dead machines: ignored, transparently (!)
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-10 D.I.S.C. ‘Data Intensive Scientific Computing’ [R. Bryant, CMU] –‘big data’ – 128.pdf
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-11 ~200Gb (Yahoo crawl) - Degree Distribution: in 12 minutes with 50 machines Many link spams at out-degree 1200 Analysis of a large graph
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-12 Conclusions Hadoop: promising architecture for Tera/Peta scale graph mining Resources: Higher-level language for data processing
CMU SCS KDD '09Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis P8-13 References Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters, OSDI'04Jeffrey DeanSanjay Ghemawat Christopher Olston, Benjamin Reed, Utkarsh Srivastava, Ravi Kumar, Andrew Tomkins: Pig latin: a not-so-foreign language for data processing. SIGMOD 2008: Benjamin ReedUtkarsh SrivastavaRavi KumarAndrew TomkinsSIGMOD 2008