Scientific name of cheetah INTRODUCTION Scientific name of cheetah Acinonyx jubatus . Cheetahs are mammals.
Physical features What They Look Like. Cheetahs have tanish yellowy fur with lots of black spots. Cheetahs have dark lines from their eyes to their nose. Those lines are called tear marks.
When a cheetah is born they are about one and a half feet tall. Physical features Height When a cheetah is born they are about one and a half feet tall. When they grow up they are three feet tall from their paw to their ear.
The limit year round is mostly warm and sunny. Habitat climate Cheetahs mostly live in Africa where there are grasslands and rock areas. The limit year round is mostly warm and sunny.
Food what they eat Cheetahs are carnivores .That means that they only eat meat . Cheetahs eat deer , camels , anteaters and many other animals. One of the other animals are a Zebra
Cheetahs have very controlled tempers. Behavior acting Cheetahs have very controlled tempers. Cheetahs think(only if it is a girl)that a presider will attic their babies so they attic.
weigh 7\4-5 pounds to ten pounds. Babies new born A Cheetah can have from 2 to 4 babies in total. The cub is about one foot tall when it is born. Also when a cub is born they weigh 7\4-5 pounds to ten pounds. Also they are 9 inches long from its nose to its tail.
Physical adaptations and how that helps them adapt to the environment Cheetahs have dark lines from their eyes to their nose that helps them adapt because That protect their eyes from the sun. Cheetahs also help by eating animals that are making other animals endangered.
Behavioral adaptations Cheetahs have very controlled tempers Cheetahs act very farce because when they spot a presider with there Slip hunters eyes they growl and that Shows they are ready to attic.
Cheetahs have really strong muscles in their legs that help them run Physical adaptations-what is inside and how it helps it adapt to the environment Cheetahs have really strong muscles in their legs that help them run really fast and out run their presiders . Cheetahs have teeth that help them chew their food really well. Cheetahs have really good eye site so they can spot anything that walks past them.
Other interesting facts When a cub starts to get older it wants to wonder of so it walks away on its own. If a cheetah wonders off the mother cheetah has a call to get them back. The call to get them back sounds like a pigeons coo.
More interesting facts When a baby cheetah is born their fur is a lot more puffed than it will be. A baby cheetah learns how to attic a presider by watching it’s mom. Cheetahs drink very little water per day. Cheetahs eat a lot more than they drink.
Cheetahs eat their presider's. Cheetahs have all sharp teeth Fun facts Cheetahs eat their presider's. Cheetahs have all sharp teeth Cheetahs clime trees for the shade in the trees. Cheetahs have sharp claws and padded paws.
Fun facts Some people think cheetahs and leopards are the same . Cheetahs toughs are like a brush so they can lick themselves clean . When cheetahs growled it means they are ready to attic.