Growing a Blog for You, a Blog for Me, and a Blog for Them... Then Elluminating Adults! Team Fierce Audra Robertson, Brandi McDaniel, Miranda McDaniel, Rusty Parker ITC-5620 Spring 2009 Gaston Weekday
Students and teachers will use online web tools to increase comprehension across the content areas. Students will use online collaborative tools for self- expression, research and communication. Teachers will use alternative forms of literature to actively engage students with literature. Shared Vision
Project Overview Looking at new ways for students to communicate and collaborate online. Students range from K-12 learners to teachers as learners. Elementary – Students can blog on one site. Middle & High – Students creating their own blog. Teachers – Use discussion boards and online learning/collaboration tools.
Why Blogs? 7 Things You Should Know About... Blogs 10 ways to use your edublog to teach
Elementary Instruction Students at the elementary level will use to enhance or reinforce concepts learned in reading. Students must first be taught what a blog is and how to use the site. Students will be asked to view teacher posts. They will be encouraged to make their own comments in response to the teacher's posts as well as other students'. This will engage students in literacy and improve comprehension while promoting student collaboration.
Elementary Instruction Second Grade Students Based on testing data, students reading above grade level will be using blogs to further comprehension and critical thinking skills by responding to teacher- generated questions. These questions will be based on the weekly Guided Reading stories in their basal readers.
Elementary Instruction Fourth Grade Students Students will be using the blog to comment to posts made by the teacher towards a reading selection. These posts will ask students to think deeply about what they have read. It will also allow students to see and feed off others' responses. By bringing blogging into the classroom I hope to engage students in a new way of learning that will excite them and eventually bring in math concepts for them to respond to.
Students will take part in a new time of instruction at Holbrook Middle School next year. This is called "Overtime" and will consist of remediation and enrichment classes. My Overtime Class is called "Pictures and Blogs and Wikis, Oh My!" A major part of this class will be for students to create their own blogs and to use those blogs for reading comprehension strategies (although they won't know that!). My research includes sites appropriate for middle and high school use. Middle and High School Instruction
Options for Middle and High School Blogging
Looking Closer... Glogster EDU - Poster Yourself Provides master account for teacher to integrate student accounts Can create "class" with up to 200 students Allows for video, graphics, photos and text I decided this wasn't the form of blog I wanted- much more for a singular project than a semester long class. Help Starting Your Glog
Looking Closer... Gaggle Is only allowed for schools- they will contact your school to ensure that you are a teacher Free version available Filters for offensive language, pornography, and allowed users only Teacher Control - can approve all posts Gaggle's Compliance with Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 Gaggle's Compliance with Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998
Gaggle Continued Received access within a couple of days. Not as easy to set up blogging. Advertisements - (free version) LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of Advertisements!!! High Schools in Gaston County have Subscription Service with NO advertisements.
Looking Closer... Edublogs One I was the most familiar with because of my Jaguar Readers Blog that I've used this year.Jaguar Readers Blog Free and supported versions Create and manage student blogs - easily created with supporter access Ready for videos, podcasts, and photos Customizable themes Video tutorials Student Sample Photos and Blogs and Wikis, Oh My! Site
Professional Development Planning for Computer Integration Introduction to FDN 5620 (AET Zone) o "Develop models that illustrate a vision and methods to engage teachers in the exploration of various mindtools that can help them create effective uses of computer technologies." o "Plan for provision of time, access and support for the faculty and administration to learn, develop and use technology-based learning environments."
Professional Development Hunter Huss High School is the model. School-wide professional development every Thursday for the entire school year. CTE was included in this plan. Used the FACTS Model to address teaching and learning strategies. We decided to incorporate technology into the plan. Technology Used o Discussion Boards o Web-based learning and collaboration tools.
CTE teachers will understand the FACTS model of design. –(October 2008) CTE teachers will evaluate the key foundations of the Standard Course of Study & Activities that engage students. –(October 2008) CTE teachers will collaborate on course content and tools that support teaching & learning. –(November 2008) CTE teachers will analyze student data through objective reports and define benefits of summative & formative assessments. –(December 2008) CTE teachers will develop a portfolio of student activities, resources, & lesson plans including common formative assessments. –(January 2009/February 2009) CTE teachers will collaborate with “job-alike” (Business, Marketing, Family & Consumer, Health Sciences, Trades) to present portfolios. –(March 2009) CTE teachers will apply FACTS components in the classroom/labs/shop areas utilizing the portfolio components. –(April 2009 through May 2009) The Plan for Hunter Huss
Our Plan Hidden Agenda - Use Hunter Huss as a model to educate teachers at other schools. Have teachers learn to use an online collaboration tool. Have teachers learn to use the departmental discussion board. Encourage teachers to use these mindtools as resources in their own classrooms. First step in our plan. o Our CTE Opening Meeting will be held online through a collaboration tool such as Go-To-Meeting, Skype, etc.
Designs for Learning Designs for Literacy Alternatives to traditional paper and pencil forms of writing and the written word on paper. Digital engagement for net generation learners Designs for Community Creating relationships where sharing takes place Enhance student-to-student collaboration as well as student-to-teacher communication.