U n d e r T h e S e a By Aisha Parvez
The Oceans and Seas In the world there are a lot of oceans and seas such as, The Mediterranean Sea. Also there is a lot of animals and creatures that live under it. There might be big sea creatures like sharks and sea Turtles. There might be small ones like, Clown Fish. Also there are problems with the seas/oceans. People throw plastic bags in them or rubbish this is called polluting, then some creatures die.
Brittlestar This is a common sea creature that has 5 long arms, coming from the centre of it’s body. It is mostly found under seaweed, rocks or stones. This Bittlestar is 20cm long and is usually a brown or grey. Very rarely it is a yellow, purple, orange, red or white. Underneath the arms there are rows and rows of tube feet. They help this creature slide along the floor to look for food
Cuttlefish It is a mollusc and it can swim really fast. It has tentacles that are at the top of it’s head. It can be found in England in shallow waters. It’s about 3ocm and the head of this creature is very big and the body is very small. It has a body shell and sometimes it gets washed up on shores. Cuttlefish can swim fast when they are in danger, also if a predator is coming then they can ink the part of water they are in and it will confuse the bigger creature that is coming to get them. They eat, crabs and small fish.
Dead Man’s Fingers This is a soft coral that lives in groups. They have feathery tentacles and can be found under rocks, stones. They attach to both of these things even crabs! They are found in deep waters in England. They can be grey, white, pink, orange or yellow.
10 Facts about sea creatures Jellyfish have been around for more than 650 years. An electrical Eel can produce up to 10 light bulbs Dolphins sleep with half their brain on and one eye open An octopus has 3 hearts and it’s blood is blue. The calls of blue wales is the loudest animal call Oysters can change from gender to gender Turtles live on every format except Antarctica Sea sponges have no head, mouth, eyes, bones, heart, lungs and brain but they are still alive. A shrimps heart is in their head A brittlestar can push it’s stomach into it’s mouth when it wants to eat.