EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade EU FLEGT Update Chatham House, London, 20 July 2006
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade The EU FLEGT Action Plan The EU FLEGT Action Plan sets out supply- and demand- side measures to combat illegal logging and associated trade. FDevelopment co-operation including support for forest governance reform FPublic and corporate procurement policies FPrivate sector initiatives FFinancing and investment FUse of existing legislation (eg. CITES) FFLEGT voluntary partnership agreements with wood- producing countries
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Recent developments FEU Council FEuropean Parliament FNew ITTA FCountry level FLEGT consultations FEC development cooperation (TFBL, EDF) FStaff FAdditional legislative options
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Council of the EU FFLEGT Regulation adopted and published Dec 06, governing EU implementation of the FLEGT licensing scheme. FNegotiating directives for FLEGT Partnership agreements, providing a mandate for the European Commission to negotiate with third countries FConclusions associating the EU with the St Petersburg ENA FLEG Declaration (Jun 06)
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade European Parliament FJuly 06 Resolution on FLEGT äSlow pace of implementation äLegal base of FLEGT Agreements äFurther legislative measures
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade ITTA 2006 FInternational Tropical Timber Agreement, successor to current agreement, agreed in Geneva Jan 06 äSimplified main objectives äReferences to combatting illegal logging äForest trade statistics
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade FLEGT Partnership consultations Informal consultations on FLEGT partnerships have taken place in potential partner countries: äCameroon (DE), äIndonesia (EC), äMalaysia (NL) äGhana (UK) FMeetings also in äCongo-Brazzaville (FR), äGabon (FR)
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade EC Development assistance In the context of partnership agreements: F Workshop to plan development assistance held in Brussels Dec 05. F Commission and MS have earmarked substantial resources around the FLEGT Action Plan. EC support includes: äIndonesia (€15m) äACP region (€10m)* FFuture Country/Regional Strategies FEnv Nat Res Thematic Programme FLEGT theme
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Development assistance Outside partnership agreements: FA series of projects on forest governance themes funded 2005 (€16m) now ending first year: äIndependent verification (ODI) äStrengthening forest governance and civil society (IIED, IUCN, EIA) äFacilitating trade in legal timber (TTF, WWF) äSupport to regional FLEG processes (WB) FNew 2006 FLEGT-related projects: äFacilitating trade in legal timber äRegional govt. initiative in Colombia äDG ENV study on illegal logging in Balkans and Caucasus
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Staff changes FDutch seconded expert to Kuala Lumpur FFrench expert for Central African region in process FDG Development: Neil Scotland replaced by Julia Falconer FDG Environment: new DNE being recruited; FLEGT file now handled in International Directorate
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Additional Options FBrussels workshop – Chatham House FMore formal public consultations likely FInternal consultations in Commission re form and level of ambition of report
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Remainder of 2006 FStart negotiations of FLEGT partnership agreements: FPlan development assistance to support partnership agreements inc. country strategies FAdditional legislative options FEngagement with China FENA FLEG East Asia FLEG
EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Thank you For further information see: