{ PINEMAP INTERNSHIP Summer Session 2015 Manon Legendre & Toby SantaMaria
{ Soil: sorting & fine root analysis Lab Work 1/130 samples we processed this summer
{ fine and thick roots are separated from soils and dried for measurement. Once weighed, this data allows us to estimate the below ground carbon pool at these sites. Fine & thick root pickings
Tree core processing above: mounted, sanded, and dated tree cores.
Basic procedure for tree core processing. Collect tree cores Core reading and dating Chisel latewood from the desired ring Extract α- cellulose from the latewood Obtain δ13C and δ18O data Convert to WUE Relations between tree growth and drought/geography Local climate dataset Relations between WUE and drought/geography
{ “Toby, what are you doing?” “Are you done yet?” Sawing & Sanding
Dating & Reading The core reader automatically keeps track of the distance moved on the track and records it for each ring.
{{ Microscope/core reader complex camera view Cores with narrow rings are read under a microscope attached to the camera.
{{ cofecha startup data as displayed in cofecha output Cores are checked for dating accuracy with COFECHA before they are read to minimize errors during the slivering process.
{{ photo: bleaching washes processing procedure Slivers (α-cellulose extraction)
{ leaf litter is sorted into various components: fruit, broad leaves, pine needles, and bark/twigs. It is then weighed at RTP. These values are later plugged into models which estimate biomass and carbon content of these components for that site. Other Lab Work: Leaf litter sorting
Field Work!
{ licor root collars Plymouth field site (CC3, root decay study) Soil Respiration Measurements
Deep Pit Digging (lateral root decay study, Plymouth. Soil cores are taken at various depths, and roots are taken from the soils w/in the pits and dried for measurement.)
{ to estimate biomass and eventually carbon content in a given forest, all the rooted plant matter in a meter-by-meter plot is cut at the base and collected. A smaller plot is then placed within the first plot, and the duff layer is collected. Biomass Estimates
{ leaf area indices are taken to characterize the canopy in the forests in Plymouth as a rough indicator of primary production. Leaf litter is also collected from these sites as part of LAI measurements for these sites. Leaf area (LAI)
{ installing slap-flow probes with Johnny; these probes measure how quickly trees are transporting sap and thus how much water is re-entering the atmosphere. Sap-flow probes
Prescribed burn study
{ Field Family! Manon’s hand
Deadly encounters Timber rattle snake that Michael and Manon narrowly escaped. Lyme disease Toby did not escape.
Being part of science culture!
The end!
references * Photos of people courtesy of : Toby Santamaria, Manon Legendre, and Sarah Jasienowski * Photos of equipment courtesy of : Manon Legendre and Toby Santamaria * Flowcharts courtesy of : Wen Lin * LAI drawing by Manon Legendre * Cofecha startup screen from INRA, link: ges/media/images/francois-lebourgeois/cofecha/ fre- FR/cofecha_reference.jpg