Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory MICE Control System DL Contribution June 09
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory MICE Control System Hardware Involved - – IOC’s VME MVME5500 processors CANBus Status/interlocks IP serial analogue & serial – Other Systems PLC,PC’s IOC Software – VxWorks – EPICS 3.14 Client Software – Linux – EDM
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Decay Solenoid
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory State Control
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Status Operational Recent addition of Vacuum control Changes to the State Control. –Complete but needs commissioning No recent requests
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Solenoid PSU
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Status Operational Needs tidying up - readbacks No recent requests
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Magnet PSU’s Serial Control Interlocking achieved in hardware
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Status Operational Needs a synoptic display? No recent requests
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Target 1 & 2
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Status Operational Chiller Temperature read backs and flow Interlocking from chiller to target drive PS control of dipping Bipolar PSU installation Waiting on new flow sensor and PSU Target 2 will need updating & Network connection
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Hydrogen System Control structure agreed S Griffith will provide PLC & Software We provide the EPICS interface and synoptic displays RF System Initial discussions have taken place
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Current Status Tracker spectrometer solenoid 0.4 MY- Not Funded (CS1) Decay Solanoid – 0.3 MY - Funded (CS2 &3) Target Drive – 0.3 MY - Funded Hydrogen System 0.3 MY - Funded RF System 1.0 MY - Funded (CS4) Beamline PSU’s 0.1MY - Funded PS ISIS readback & EPICS interface - Funded e-log 0.1 MY to pass over Total of 0.8MY funded
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory Areas of responsibility IOC Hardware – CS1 to 4 Personal Safety New Systems RF, Hydrogen, Tracker solenoid ? VxWorks Development server.
Adrian Oates Graham Cox Daresbury Laboratory No Longer Responsible For Archiver ( Decay Solenoid, Target Drive ). EPICS Client tools ( EDM & CGI Export ). EPICS Server Maintenance & Backup. Prevision & support of EPICS base. Control room consoles. DNS & network services. Elog.