Asia Safe Abortion Partnership ASAP
Who we are ………. ASAP came into existence in March 2008 at the initiative of ICMA, when 37 participants from 13 countries came together and decided to create a network. Members include activists, service providers, lawyers, programme persons among others. ASAP is a network that is linking all those who work for improving access to safe abortion services and who come from diverse backgrounds and areas of work.
What we have done……….. Established a googlegroup to disseminate updated technical information / regular news on abortion- related issues Expanded our network and experience through international and regional conferences and workshops. Capacity building w/s for members on understanding safe abortion as a gender and rights issue
Conducted a session at the 5 th APCRSHR held in Beijing Completed a Multi country study with legal professionals Initiated a Misoprostol Hotline in collaboration with Women on Web. Strategic Planning for
What we hope to do ……….. Identifying advocacy opportunities and encouraging strategic interventions. Strengthening the documentation of issues related to safe abortion in Asia by conducting surveys/operations research. Setting up a peer to peer support / exchange visits for the providers who are new to the method of medical abortion.
Capacity building for members to develop advocacy strategies and action plans Strategic mapping and pooling of existing resources such as technical documents, communication material. Mapping of allies as well as opposition and creating counter arguments to anti choice propaganda.
Regional Network Caucus
Some new ideas from the RNC….… Drug availability documentation across countries Set up a midwives network to share experiences Partner with youth groups ( for surveys, advocacy …) Exchange visits for Ministry officials to see good examples from other similar countries
Priority issue is fund raising for sustainability !!