what is CUSTOMER SERVICE? providing a quality product or service that satisfies the needs/wants of a customer and keeps them coming back.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: CORE 5 smile eye contact tone of voice be attentive how you look
when required to go one mile, go a second CUSTOMER SERVICE : SECOND MILE smile anticipate needs walk alongside yes man Stop and listen
CUSTOMER SERVICE : BEST PRACTICES approach and introduce repeat names my pleasure work alongside connect
PRATICAL HABITS: DO’S AND DON’TS wrong approach “i don’t know” “no” “that’s not my job” “you’re right – this is bad” “that’s not my fault” “calm down” “i’m busy right now” friendly approach “i’ll find out” “what else can i do?” “let me find the right person who can help you” “i understand your frustrations” “let’s see what we can do about this” “i’m sorry” “i’ll be with you in just a moment”
PRACTICAL HABITS: QUALITIES friendliness empathy fairness control product information alternatives
PRACTICAL HABITS: FIRST IMPRESSIONS personal responsibility polite manners how can I help you? core 5 problem solving instant rapport
PROBLEM SOLVING: ROLE PLAY wrong bib number arrived late to race made wrong turn on course needs to leave before awards ceremony ed race director to fix birthdate wants to speak with event director bib number not in results volunteer miscommunicated to participant awards ceremony not on time
KNOW IMPORTANT PEOPLE Charity volunteer partners Sponsor VIPs repeat runners