What Story Can Maps Tell Us About Our Environment and Our Interactions with It?
Your Observations of This Map Describe some of the physical features of the island (e.g. There is a swamp) Describe the location of the money pit and the profile of the pit Describe the inscribed stone
Your Interpretation of the Map What do you think the story is behind this map? – What do you think the money pit is and why do you think this? – What do you think the inscribed stone may say and why?
The Story of Oak Island a Real Life Mystery ture=related ture=related OiDBZFZJY&feature=related OiDBZFZJY&feature=related ture=related ture=related ure=related ure=related ure=related ure=related
Your Conclusions Do you think that Oak Island “Money Pit” is a natural or human made phenomenon? Provide support for your answer. Which of the theories about what is found in the money pit do you think is the most credible? Explain your answer with detail.