Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures. Section C 白土店中学 司 丽.


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Unit 3 English Around the World
Entertainment and Friendship
Unit 1.
Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures. Section C 白土店中学 司 丽

1 、 Analysis of the Teaching Materials 2 、 Analysis of The Students 3 、 Teaching Aims 4 、 Important Points and Difficult Points 5 、 Teaching and Learning Methods 6 、 Teaching Procedures 7 、 Blackboard Design and reflection Teaching Plan Analysis

Ⅰ、 Analysis of the Teaching Material SectionC 是一节读写课,本课以讲述不同文化背景中,相 同事物所表现的不同文化内涵为话题, 1a 部分通过介绍和狗有 关的短语在中西方文化中不同的含义,引出相关词汇如 a runing dog, a lucky dog 等。 1b 和 1c 则以练习的方式,培养学 生的阅读能力和跨文化意识 。第 3 部分是通过完成表格进行仿 写 ,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。

2 Analysis of The students 九年级学生已经有了一定的语言知识储备和简单的阅 读能力 。本节课的话题内容相对简单,并且与日常动物有 关 ,学生会很感兴趣。 所以,我会把主要课堂交给学生自 主学习,老师只需要引导、帮助和监控学生完成读写任务 。

3 、 Teaching Aims Knowledge objects Ability objects Moral objects Master the new words.phrases and sentence patterns: consider ancient honest courage pride. compare…to regard as. a symbol of. Dogs are considered honest and good friends of humans The ancient emperors compared themselves to dragons. To train s tudents' ability of reading and writing. To help s tudents retell the passage after reading. Understand the differences between western cultures and Chinese cultures.

4 、 Important Points and Difficult Points Important Points To train students'reading skills. Difficult Points Know about the differences between western cultures and Chinese cultures. Test Points a lucky dog, compare...to be considered as

5 、 Teaching and learning methods Situational Teaching Methods 情景教学法 Task-based Teaching Methods. 任务教学法 Autonomous Learning Methods. 自主学习法 Cooperative Learning Methods 小组合作学习.

6 、 Teaching Procedures Pre-reading(5mins) /‘ein ʃ ənt/ adj 古老的 In ancient time, the Chinese emperors n 皇帝 compared themselves to dragons.

Dog has negative meanings in Chinese cultures while it has positive meanings in western cultures. a running dog a lucky dog adj, 负面的 adj, 正面的 Dogs are regarded as honest and good friends of humans. 设计意图 : 用图片和句型进行情景导入词汇, 体现了在具体 语境中学习和使用单词的教学理念。便于学生理解 运用词汇。

1b Read 1a and choose the correct answers. 1.The title of the passage may be ____. A. Animals and Plants B. China and Foreign Countries C. Different Cultures, Different Meanings D. Positive and Negative Meanings 2. In China, many parents want their children to become “dragons”. The “dragons” here mean ____. A. successful people B. children C. strong people D. creatures 3.In western countries, heroes killed dragons to protect people. This shows dragons are considered to be ____. A. brave B. strong C. lovely D. dangerous 4. In Paragraph 3, the underlined word “regarded” means ____. A. considered B. given C. looked D. watched A D C A While-reading(12mins)

Read Para.2 carefully and guess the meaning of each phrase about dogs in pairs. a homeless dog a mad dog a running dog a dog catching a mouse You are a lucky dog. Every dog has its day. in China in western countries 丧家狗 疯狗 走狗 狗捉耗子多管闲事 You are a lucky person. 你真是个幸运儿 Each person has good luck at times. 人人都有得 意日。 Dogs are considered honest and good friends of humans.

Read Para.3 carefully and mark T (true) or F (false). ( )1. Dragons play an important role in Chinese culture. ( )2. In ancient times, the Chinese emperors compared themselves to dragons. ( )3. In western cultures, dragon has positive meanings. n. 皇帝

consider the dog honest at time be regarded/ considered as compare…to a symbol of stand for pay attention to 有时;间或 被当做 / 认为 …… 认为狗诚实 …… 的象征 注意 代表 把 …… 比喻成 …… Group work Post-reading ( 25 mins)

Plant and animal In Chinese cultureIn western culture dog dragon rose honest, and good friends of humans; has positive meanings strong and magical creatures dangerous animals stands for love, peace, courage and friendship negative meanings stands for love, peace, courage and friendship 1c Complete the table based on 1a. You can also add something else. ( 8mins ) Retell the text based on the table

Write a passage based on the table ( 15mins) Plant and animalIn Chinese cultureIn western culture peacock goodness/ beauty/peacepride bat long life/ happinessbad luck bamboo happiness/ peace wisdom/ power … Different Cultures, Different Meanings

 Discuss in groups to get the fact and supporting ideas.  Draw your draft.  The phrases in 1a may help you! stand for, regard/consider…as, a symbol of, have positive/negative meaning…  Don’t forget the conj.  Compose your writing.  Check your spelling, tense etc. How to write your composition but, while, however

Ⅵ、 Blackboard designing a homeless dog a mad dog a running dog a dog catching a mouse Every dog has its day You are a lucky dog in China in western countries 连接中考( 2006 ,河南 ) —I'm going to act in Jan chan's new movies __ Congratulations! You're really _____ A a lucky dog B a black sheep C a cold fish D a white elephant

Teaching reflection

Summary:(3mins) 1.Some words: negative, consider, honest positive, ancient, magical, creature, compare, courage, underline, pride 2. Some phrases: at times, stand for, regard/consider…as, a symbol of, make mistake, compare…to, compare…with 3. Some sentences: (1)The ancient emperors compared themselves to dragons. (2)The rose is regarded as a symbol of love. 1.Tell the culture differences between China and western countries. 2. Write a composition about the different cultures of the same thing.