English Language Arts Course Offerings Ms. Valerie Vacchio District Supervisor of English Language Arts, Reading, & Library Media
Vision for the English Language Arts The English Language Arts Department of Oyster Bay High School is committed to upholding instructional excellence. As a team, we embrace a high standard of academic rigor, defined according to 21 st Century criteria. Our mission is to develop and foster a life-long appreciation of the written word and to provide students with the critical reading, writing, listening, and communication skills necessary to succeed beyond high school. Through the analysis of literature, students develop a sharpened awareness of the human condition and a heightened sensitivity to a myriad of life experiences. We strive for students to be productive, caring members of a global society. ELA Department Homepage
Program Description A four year/four credit comprehensive program is required of all students.
Program & Graduation Requirements (4 Credits of Study) Freshman Year1 Credit English 9 Regents English 9 Honors Sophomore Year 1 Credit English 10 Regents English 10 Honors
Program & Graduation Requirements Junior Year 1 Credit English 11 Regents English 11 Honors AP Language and Composition Senior Year 1 Credit English 12 Regents College English with St. John’s University AP Literature and Composition
Advanced English Courses All Honors/AP level courses require departmental permission. Students can earn college credit through AP level English courses & St. John’s University. *Please see pages 5 & 17 in the Course Description Booklet for details.
St. John’s University College Level English This course will be offered in conjunction with St. John’s University during the Fall 2011 & Spring 2012 semesters. For those students who register for dual enrollment with SJU & OBHS, up to 6 college credits may be earned (approx. $250.00/per credit).
Honors Placement Criteria Criteria for entering the English Honors Program Grade 9 in : A passing score on the 8th Grade NYS ELA Exam Cumulative average in content-specific classes Teacher recommendation Criteria for remaining in the English Honors Program include : Cumulative average Teacher recommendation *Please see page 7 in the Course Description booklet for details.
English Electives Journalism (9-12) Creative Writing (9-12) The Great Film Tradition (9-12) Values Clarification through Literature (11-12) College Essay (Fall Semster-12)
College Essay Highlights College criteria (creating a list of safety, target, & reach schools) Application deadlines (early action, early decision, rolling, regular) Resume writing Teacher recommendations Common/SUNY/CUNY applications
College Essay Highlights Mock interviews Essay writing process ( workshop model, one-on-one conferences w/ teachers) Scholarship essays Life skills project Overview of freshman year Dorm necessities/registry Money management FAFSA
AIS-ELA Academic support services (AIS) are available for students sin grades 7-12 who score below New York state’s designated performance level on assessments and/or are at risk of not achieving the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy.
Revised English Regents New three-hour, one day Regents Comprehensive Examination in English Contents: The exam will consist of 4 parts and will include: 25 multiple-choice questions 2 short-constructed response questions 1 essay (critical lens)
Contact Information: Valerie Vacchio District Supervisor of ELA, Reading, & Library Media I’d love to hear from you!
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