Cameron (Pablo) Stevens mx/
1. This school doesn’t have classes you got to every day but by switching up classes like 2 hours of gym a week. 2. The clocks would be military time. 3. There is a uniform rule, where East Lansing does not use a formal dress code. 4. The school also has a fitness class during school. Cameron (Pablo) Stevens
1. They have some same classes like art and theatre, and a computer learning class. 2. The school also has extra curricular activates like football, marching Band, and Arab dance. 3. They also have some same classrooms like us by having a auditorium and a fitness room, library, and a cafeteria. 4. They are required to have certain amounts of hours of different classes like english Cameron (Pablo) Stevens
This school is a larger school than us by more students because they have a elementary, and a kindergarten class as well as a high school in one foundation. This is not a public school. This is like a school where wealthy Hispanic children go to get their education. Cameron (Pablo) Stevens