Constructing a Bi-Regional Social Accounting Matrix for Quebec and the Rest-of-Canada
Bi-regional SAM Overall structure 2.
Bi-regional SAM Domestic transactions matrix for Québec 3.
Bi-regional SAM Reflecting the integration of financial markets 4.
Bi-regional SAM The Federal government 5.
Disaggregation of accounts u Households — 150 categories for Québec (155 for the RoC) 7 types of households 6 income classes 4 age groups u Goods and services — 121 goods and services Modified Statistics Canada level M Statistics Canada level W for goods and services with special taxation regime 6.
Disaggregation of accounts u Production — 56 industries Modified Statistics Canada level M 3 levels of government Separate treatment of the main government intervention sectors (public health and education services) 7.
Disaggregation of accounts u Québec government — 6 transfer programs to persons — 8 types of indirect taxes — 3 types of social contributions — Personal income tax — Corporate income tax u Federal government — 7 transfer programs to persons — 7 types of indirect taxes — 3 types of social contributions — Personal income tax — Corporate income tax 8.
Disaggregation of accounts u Supra-regional accounts — Accumulation — Consolidated federal government — Investment income — Rest of the World 9.
Data sources u National and Provincial economic accounts u Input-Output tables for Québec and Canada u Database of the Social policy simulation model (SPSD/M) u Other sources — Administrative data files from the Ministère du revenu du Québec — Special compilation from the Commission de la santé et sécurité au travail 10.
Construction of the SAM u Difficulties encountered — Divergence of concepts between surveys and the National account system — Confidentiality of the canadian input- output tables — Non standard flows 11.
Future development u Updating the SAM for 1997 — Revised data from the national and provincial economic accounts. — 1997 Input-Output tables u Extensions — Using the NAICS classification for industries — Using the SOC91 for workers — Adding the disctinction between minimum wage and non-minimum wage workers 12.