LUSH PHEROMONE Manhasset Science Research Jillian Wong
NEED ov/Features/dsMa lariaSurveillance/ res/dsMalariaSurveillance/ dsMalariaSurveillance_450 px.gif
Knowledge Base 5R,6S)-6-Acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide compound/compounds-detail-5R6S-6- acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide.php
Knowledge Base Figure 2: X-ray Crystal Structure of LUSH-cVA complex. The VA is completely enveloped within the protein. healthcare-professional/cancer- center/cores/structural- biology/structural-biology.aspx The Lush protein is needed in the detection, discrimination, and perception of volatile odors
Knowledge Base wsroom/science/2004/imag es/01-Jones-figure1.jpg Fig. 1. a Surface representation of key residues in the LUSH alcohol-binding pocket. The pocket is lined with hydrophobic residues with the exception of Thr57 and Ser52, which form concerted hydrogen bonds with the alcohol. Ethanol is shown in a stick representation. The hydrogen bonds between the alcohol and the hydroxyl groups of Thr57 and Ser52 are shown as yellow dotted lines.
Knowledge Base
Literature Review Pingxi Xu- A Drosophila OBP Required for Pheromone Signaling
Literature Review Dean P. Smith- A Pheromone Receptor Mediates 11-cis-Vaccenyl Acetate-Induced Responses in Drosophila
Drosophila melanogaster Mutant Drosophila Data will be analyzed using SPSS and Scheffe- post-hoc test. Regular Drosophila Group 1 N=20 Placed in oviposition trap Group 2 N=20 Group 3 N=20 Group 6 N=20 Group 4 N=20 Group 5 N=20 Group 7 N=20 1 µl of Acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide inserted into the food 1.5 µl of Acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide inserted into the food 2.5 µl of Acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide inserted into the food 2 µl of Acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide inserted into the food METHODOLOGY Group 8 N=20
Do-ability Drosophila are readily available, easy to keep alive Does not require extremely advanced special equipment
Bibliography Department of Pharmacology and Center for Basic Neuroscience, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX , USA Ha, Tal Soo, and Dean P. Smith. "A Pheromone Receptor Mediates 11-cis-Vaccenyl Acetate Induced Responces in Drosophila." The Journal Of Neuroscience (2006): Jin, Xin, Tal Soo Ha, and Dean P. Smith. "PNAS." SNMP is a signaling component required for Pheromone Sensitivity in Drosophila 31st ser. 105 (Ausgust 5, 2008): "Pheromone." McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology. 8th ed. 13 vols. Mechanicsburg: McGraw-Hill, Smith, Dean P. "Odor and Pheromone detection in Drosophila melanogaster." Pflugers Arch-Eur J Physiol (2007): University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center At Dallas. "Researchers Find How Protein Allows Insects To Detect And Respond To Pheromones." ScienceDaily 27 January May UT Southwestern Medical Center. "Unique Pheromone Detection System Uncovered." ScienceDaily 27 June April Xu P-X, Atkinson R, Jones DNM, Smith DP (2005) Drosophila OBP LUSH is required for activity of pheromone sensitive neurons. Neuron 45: