April 22 nd, 2014 Click to Add Subtitle
Advanced Physics Starter: get out learning target sheet; complete a column and the “I used to think…but now I know…” Today’s learning targets: 3 and 4 New: Circular Motion and Centripetal Acceleration – Calculations – Set 1: Practice problems, pg. 166 – Set 2: pg. 172 (49-51)
Adv Phy groups Ashley BMeaganBrianDestinyGage JohnnyChristianMichaelaBradAustin DonnaClaarConnerWhitneyBecky MirandaKayla 6789 AntoniaAshley TZackBo ChaylenCourtneyJesseKelsey PaigeKimHannahDakota
2 nd Period Chemistry I Starter: get out your learning target sheet; complete a column and the “Muddiest Point” Today’s learning targets: 9-10 New skill: molecular form. calculations – Finish guided problem from yesterday – Small groups: 15, 16, 23, 24, review/reinforcement due tomorrow
2 nd Period Chemistry groups AudreyElijahHannahTylerTailorAlanisDanielleAlex MeganMadelynNickAshleySydneyMichaelLisetteChad JaySidneyMilaBlakeBretHaleyDavidMiranda
Astronomy Starter: get out SW/APOD sheet; get out learning target sheet and Saturn notes Today’s learning targets: 3-9 SW/APOD Give our crossword puzzles – due Friday Continue new unit: Saturn
Conceptual Physics Starter: get out scientist partner questions Today’s learning targets: 7 Go over scientist partner questions Reading: Pg. 193: Tides in Earth and the Atmosphere Pg. 193: Black Holes
AP Chemistry Daily Starter: Complete: Solid lithium oxide is added to distilled water. Write the balanced net-ionic equation. Will the pH be less than, equal to or greater than 7? Explain Go over tests Work on wkst 8 Multiple Choice practice Weekly Chem days: T, Th Today is a/an “B” day for SLC
7 th Period Chemistry Starter: get out your learning target sheet; complete a column and the “Muddiest Point” Today’s learning targets: 9-10 New skill: molecular form. calculations – Finish guided problem from yesterday – Small groups: 15, 16, 23, 24, review/reinforcement due tomorrow
7 th Period Chemistry groups MeganBrady SAshleyAmberCollinMorganChance RobertTabithaBrennanCadeBrady MLeightonKayla EvanZachDanielJacobDavid
SLC: AP Chem Finish multiple choice from last time Intermolecular Forces free response
SLC: Math Compass Prep Give back your skills assessment from last week! Good job! New assessment: using slope, midpoint and distance formulas New skill: – Standard vs. slope-intercept form for equations of lines – parallel and perpendicular lines