The Amazing Amazon A “making inferences” activity…
Read the statements on the following slides. Use the information provided to make an inference based on the information.
The collared anteater is also called a tamandua. Anteaters eat mainly insects. Therefore… a tamandua eats mainly insects.
A coati is a member of the raccoon family. Raccoons are mammals. Therefore… a coati is a mammal.
A toucan has feathers. Only birds have feathers. Therefore… a toucan is a type of bird.
Capuchins are intelligent monkeys. Monkeys belong to the group of mammals called primates. Therefore… a capuchin is a mammal and a primate.
A macaw is a species in the parrot family. A parrot is a bird. Therefore… a macaw is a bird.
An iguana is a lizard that eats fruit, flowers, and leaves. A herbivore is an animal that eats plants and grass. Therefore… an iguana is a herbivore.
The capybara is the largest of all rodents. Rodents are mammals with front teeth suitable for gnawing. Therefore… a capybara is a mammal with front teeth suitable for gnawing.
A falcon is a bird of prey. A caracara is a member of the falcon family. Therefore… a caracara is a bird of prey.