What is a stressor? ■ Anything that causes you stress Teen Top 4 Stressors ■ School ■ Friends ■ Family ■ Appearance
What is Stress? ■ Stress is physical, mental or emotional tension you feel when dealing with change OR ■ Your body’s response to change
Title ■ Anxiety: state of uneasiness, usually associated with a future uncertainty ■ Panic: a feeling of sudden, intense fear Symptoms: dizziness and pounding heart
Types of stress Distress: Negative stress This type of stress can leave you feeling worried and uptight, can cause discomfort, illness and lower performance level, and sleep more or less. Eustress: Positive stress This type can cause god feelings, excitement, and higher achievement.
Fight or Flight ■ Adrenaline is released into the body preparing one to be ready for physical flight (run away) or fight. ■ Look at the following diagram to see some of the changes that take place with the release of adrenaline
Alarm Stage ■ The body recognizes a stressor ■ You experience the “fight or flight” response.
Resistance Stage ■ These physical changes prepare a person to react quickly and effectively to handle the pressure of the moment. OR ■ The person runs or flees
Exhaustion Stage ■ The body can no longer cope with the stress and you become physically or mentally exhausted
Fight or Flight Body changes
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Physical Symptoms ■ Heart beats faster ■ Breathe faster ■ Butterflies (stomach ache) ■ Cold hands or feet ■ Excessive sweating ■ Headaches/tense muscles ■ Loss of appetite/over eating ■ Inability to sleep/excessive sleeping ■ Constipation/diarrhea ■ Constant fatigue
Why is stress harmful for us? ■ We can’t run from the stress ■ We can’t fight the stress ■ Leads to physical problems increase blood pressure lower immune system insomnia digestive problems acne
The Solution How can we handle our stress better? 1 st you must identify the stressor! “Why am I stressed?” 2 nd you must find a way to better manage it!
Stress Management
Relaxation Tips ■ Deep Breathing ■ Progressive Muscle Relaxation ■ Physical Activities ■ Stretching ■ Yoga ■ A Massage ■ Soaking in a hot tub
Mind Stress Tips ■ Meditation ■ Reading ■ Visualization ■ Listening to calming music ■ Movies ■ Games ■ Puzzles ■ Hobbies and crafts
Emotional symptoms ■ Crying ■ Moodiness ■ Irritability / impatience ■ short temper ■ Can’t concentrate ■ Racing thoughts ■ Anxiety / panic attacks ■ Withdrawing ■ Depression ■ Restlessness
Behavioral Symptoms ■ Not caring about appearance ■ Procrastination ■ Grinding teeth ■ Pacing, tapping, nail biting ■ Nervous laughter ■ Smoking/alcohol use ■ Aggressive behavior ■ Pulling hair ■ Eating more or less ■ Sleeping too much or too little
No Stress ■ Too little stress causes these symptoms: Bored and Low motivation No Growth Lower Performance Level
Your Personality and Stress Type A- thrive on a challenge, driven, impatient, perfectionist, difficulty relaxing, competitive, always busy Type B- relaxed, easy going, slow and methodical, cooperative