September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 1 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission Publicity Committee /.15 Brian Mathews, PC Chair tbd, PC Chair
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 2 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission Agenda
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 3 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission Publicity Committee Chartered as a joint ad-hoc group under the chairs of and to generate a common theme and joint publicity documents, press announcements, recommendations to the WG, IEEE etc of the technical accomplishments, and issues resulting from the interim and plenary sessions as well as address external issues which are directly related to the development of and standards. This information is posted on the /.15 websites Used by the WG chairs and vice-chairs for communication to media, press and media analysts, IEEE staff and affiliated industry bodies Everyone can vote and participate in straw polls, motions, debates and discussions 11 people in attendance at the Monterey PC meeting
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 4 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission Meeting Objectives Report from WECA WiMEDIA Update Review July IEEE802 on-line newsletter Discuss post-meeting Conference Call issues Review web site for needed updates Review question list for WG Chair summaries - Reviewed and completed
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 5 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission WECA Update (presented by Dennis Eaton) Upcoming Member meeting Rome, Italy Sept 24 26 Hot topics Wi-Fi Protected Access (SSN) Public access program Joint IEEE/WECA meeting in Singapore in May Asian press tour in mid-October Visiting Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan Upcoming Trade Shows WPC Expo, Tokyo, Oct Comdex, Las Vegas, Nov 18 22 Third round of a interop testing starts next week Certification targeted for November launch b certified products
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 6 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission WiMEDIA Update (submitted by Jim Myer) WiMEDIA launched Tuesday September 3 rd 2002 "... promote personal-area range wireless connectivity and interoperability..." Introductory web site is up Press Release Mission FAQ Committees being formed for business and technical issues First WiMEDIA meeting for members and non-members to be held October in Silicon Valley Application profiles Market requirements
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 7 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission 802News Bulletin Review The group took a look at the IEEE802 News Bulletin Group was satisfied with the format and content
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 8 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission Conference Call Issues Breadth of topics vs. the need for only a single person to deal with press/analysts Is it necessary to coordinate with &/or get cooperation from alliance groups? 802 News Update must be issued before the call Size of call (number of attendees) Cost In light of the above issues, PC activities will focus on keeping web resources up-to-date (802News, WG Site, Press Kits, etc.) and responding to external inquiries
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 9 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission WG Updates for website The group reviewed web site WG updates Results WG: up-to-dateTgi: up-to-date Tge: up-to-dateWNG: one month behind Tgf: needs input PC: eight months behind Tgg: one month behindHT: new group Tgh: two months behindRRM: up-to-date PC Chair to facilitate getting all WG's up to date
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 10 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission Questions for Chairs Group reviewed list of questions to be addressed in summary reports What was accomplished at the meeting? - What major objectives were resolved - What objectives remain? - What are the key objectives for the next meeting? What is the next major milestone in the IEEE process? When will it occur? When will the standard approved by the IEEE? Were there any major proposals? Who made the proposal? Were any important options ruled out? How many presentations were made? Who s making them? Reports from last July's meeting were excellent with many of these questions addressed. Very helpful for generating 802News items.
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 11 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission Meeting Objectives for November Review & discuss.11/.15 communication process Reports from WECA & WiMedia Discuss.11/.15 Task Groups Summary overview for each Status & potential for newsworthy events Schedule/Timeline Preparation for Singapore joint IEEE802Wireless & WECA event in May
September 2002 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems Slide 12 doc.: IEEE /554r0 Submission Summary of Activities July 2002 IEEE /.15 Publicity Standing Committee September 8, 2002 Monterey Summary of Activities and Future Plans The Publicity Committee (PC) held one meeting for the week of Sept 8, chaired by Brian Mathews PC Chair [note: Jim Meyer has resigned the position of PC Chair for ]. Dennis Eaton, WECA chair, provided an update on new developments at WECA a interoperability testing status and upcoming meetings/press events were the highlights. Jim Meyer sent in via some WiMedia update points. Discussed issues identified with holding a conference call following each /.15 session. For now emphasis will focus on web-based communication channels such as the 802News site and the.11/.15 sites. The list of questions the TG Chairs should try to answer in their Closing summary reports was reviewed and has been found to be helpful. At the IEEE 802 plenary session in November the PC will further review and refine the external communication process, receive reports from WECA and WiMEDIA, discuss the status and plans of each Task Group, and begin to make plans for the May 2003 Singapore meeting.