Welcome to Exploring Careers! Objective of this course : 1. What do you enjoy? 2. What are you good at? 3. What do you want to do with your life? 4. What do you dream of becoming? This class is designed to help you answer these questions.
Business Card Game Write your full name on the top line. Why you want to take this class and what you expect to learn? What career interest you? Something interesting about you? Draw a picture on the back that describes you Use the second card to create another copy for me.
Business Meeting Exchange your card with someone you don’t know Discuss your cards to each other Learn an interesting fact about one another
Mr. De Dios You can call me “Mr. D” Background in Business, Government Security, Military, Technology I am the Best! I will strive to be the greatest teacher you will have. I care about my students and want them to be the Best! Something interesting about me is that I use to jump out of planes for a living.
EXPLORING CAREERS CLASSROOM RULES: Everyone will come prepared to learn. No student will speak without raising his or her hand. No student will stop another student from learning. Everyone will bring proper supplies to class.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES AND EXPECTATIONS: Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings, quiet, and working on your Bell Ringer. If you come in once I close the door, you will be marked late to class. There is to be no food, drink, gum, candy, water, or food of any kind. It will be taken away from you and thrown away. No hats, No Cell Phones (unless instructed), and No I Pods. If I see it out, it will be confiscated. NO EXCEPTIONS. Failure to comply will result in a class dismissal and parent contact. Be respectful of each other and your teacher at all times. No cursing or swearing. When the bell rings, it does not dismiss you. The instructor will dismiss you. One person is allowed to the bathroom at a time, only three times per semester. Homework is to be turned in to my desk in folder marked “homework”, late homework will be in a separate folder marked “late work”.
Classroom Creed This is my classroom In this class, I can do anything I decide I want to do. Today my mind is alert, My ears are receptive, And I am prepared to engage ACTIVELY In learning about Careers
Group assignments Pass your cards forward to the front of the class We will have a drawing to assign group partners for this class Any volunteers? I need someone to mix up the cards and someone to select two cards at a time.
Group Partners Once your partner has been identified you will exchange cards and contact information Your partner will be your best friend. I will be assigning several in class and outside of class projects and assignments. We will also have multiple group assignments (at least 4 people). We will call it a “Company”. I will have you pair up with another set of partners.
Multiple Intelligences Students will receive and complete handout. They will save for future use.
Close out Assess the learning of Rules, Procedures, Creed Make sure everyone knows their partner Assign Homework