BACKGROUND The Picker Institute, a leading organization dedicated to advancing the principles of patient-centered care developed the concept of “Always Events®.” Always Events® are defined as “those aspects of the patient and family experience that should always occur when patients interact with healthcare professionals and the delivery system.” Always Events® are in contrast to the “never events” or things that should never happen to a patient such as the wrong patient, wrong surgery site or medication error resulting in harm. The concept of Always Events® served as the foundation for our Vanderbilt Patient and Family Promise.
OUR GUIDING GOALS THE PROMISE In Scope Patients & Families A document that is universal to all patient experiences at VUMC Out of Scope The Promise relates to the Credo Behaviors, but does not replace the Credo The Promise does not replace the Patient Rights & Responsibilities
WE HAVE A CREDO, WHY DO WE NEED A PROMISE? Credo An inward focusing document Intended for internal use Describes the behaviors VUMC staff/faculty must exhibit Promise An outward focusing document Intended for external use Describes what patients and their families can expect during their visit(s)
WHAT THE PROMISE DOES It publicly states that we put the patient first in everything that we do It expresses to our patients and their family members the values we uphold and will express when delivering the best healthcare to them It’s who we are…It’s our Promise
With the help of these Vanderbilt patient centered committees the PROMISE was written. It took 10 drafts to complete! VUH Patient & Family Advisory Council Patient Experience & Service Improvement Council Physician’s Council for Clinical Service Excellence Physician’s Council for Clinical Service Excellence CEEC STEP THREE: DRAFTING OF THE PROMISE MCJCHV Family Advisory Council VMG Executive Committee
THE VANDERBILT PATIENT & FAMILY PROMISE We make those we serve our highest priority. We expect everyone at Vanderbilt to keep these promises to you and your family. WE WILL: Include you as the most important member of your healthcare team Personalize your care with a focus on your values and needs Work with you to coordinate your care Respect your right to privacy Communicate clearly and regularly Serve you and your family with kindness and respect We welcome your feedback If you have comments or concerns about your care, please contact our Office of Patient Relations at or
TIMELINE During December/January each staff and faculty member will receive information about the Promise In February the Promise will appear in public areas and in patient materials
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