9.1% of Minnesotans were uninsured in 2011 that is 480,000 people There are significant disparities in coverage Income – 31% of those with incomes below 200% Race – 26% Hispanic/Latino, 17.9% Black, 14.3% American Indian Nativity – 28.1% foreign born Source: 2011 Health Access Survey, MN Dept. of Health
60% are potentially eligible for coverage through a public program Barriers to obtaining coverage in a public program stigma Difficulty in application process Misconceptions about program/eligibility requirements Remains unaffordable for some 83% said they would enroll if eligible
No Wrong Door Navigators Outreach Providing Access to Other Low-Income Support Programs
Reduces stigma by allowing people to access public programs in exactly the same place and in exactly the same manner as people accessing private coverage. Limits chance of adverse self-selection by sorting applications for most appropriate coverage. Common application and streamlined eligibility rules reduce difficulty of applying.
Exchange is required to provide individuals to provide outreach and assistance in obtaining coverage Regulations require that states utilize non-profit community or consumer group as Navigators Located in local communities Established relationships with hard to serve populations Provide linguistically and culturally appropriate services
Increase awareness of importance of healthcare coverage Ability to target traditionally underserved populations Utilize a variety of methods for outreach
We have the ability to create a technology system that will allow applicants for healthcare to also be evaluated for eligibility for other low-income support programs. Increases the benefit for individuals to utilize the exchange Provides access to benefits and services that will impact on the overall health of the individual.
Decisions we make in the design and function of the exchange will, to a great degree, determine the degree of impact the exchange can have on improving access and reducing the number of uninsured. Our challenge is to have the foresight and determination to create the best system possible for the people of Minnesota.