John Adams The Second President of the United States – 1 term of trouble!
(Box 1) President Adams Who was John Adams? The second president of the US, a liberal northerner, a lawyer, writer of the Declaration of Independence, Founding Father, a Federalist, a Northerner, and not Washington!
(Box 2) Tough Presidency Why did he have a tough presidency? Followed George Washington – too tough to live up to those expectations. Thomas Jefferson was his VP Political Parties fought France began seizing U.S. ships Hamilton turned on him over the problems with France – Federalist Party splits. Arguments over the Alien and Sedition Acts lead to more fears of government power.
(Box 3) Results What was the result of his presidency? XYZ Affair with France – Adams avoided war by building frigates (big gun ships) but upset Hamilton = Federalist party split Arguments over the Alien and Sedition Acts (passed so the Federalists can keep power) led Madison and Jefferson to write the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions – which argued that states could nullify (ignore ) national government laws! This was a key argument for states’ rights and helped lead to the Civil War! Jefferson elected president in 1800