For today’s assignment … You will need to use Scene I from Oedipus. Please click on the attached PDF under today’s date on the H10 calendar to locate the text. Please note that the attached PDF of Oedipus is a slightly different translation than the one we are reading in-class from the textbook.
In Scene I, we see signs of rashness, paranoia, and stubbornness through Oedipus’s speech, decisions, and thought process. - Search the text and find a line from Scene I that exemplifies one of these negative characteristics. - Using an extended quote sandwich – Explain the context of the quote (What is happening during this portion of the play? What happened directly before and/or after?) Explain what the speaker is saying in your own words. Offer an analysis of the quote (What is the importance of this quote? How will this impact a/the character(s)? How will this impact the novel overall/potential outcome? For example, explain how the line will negatively impact Oedipus’s leadership stance within the city of Thebes. - Lastly, somewhere in your quote analysis, include an explanation of how dramatic irony is present within the scene. Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something the characters do not. Because of this understanding, the words of the characters take on a different meaning.
Avoid using I, me, my, you, we, us
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