Welcome to Identifying Trends in Statistics Education A Panel Discussion Panelists: Roxy Peck, Michael Sullivan, Marty Triola Moderator: Mary DeHart
1. How has the introductory statistics course changed in the past five years? What role has technology played in driving change in the introductory statistics course? What role will technology play in the future? How will the intro stats course be different in five years?
2. What is the weakest feature of the typical introductory statistics course? What single recommendation would you make to improve the quality of the typical introductory statistics course?
3. What is simulation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using simulation in an introductory statistics course? What are randomization techniques and what role do they play in introductory statistics?
4. What role should probability play in the introductory statistics course?
5. What methods are most effective for developing statistical concepts in an online course?
6. Do you believe that students need Intermediate Algebra in order to succeed in an introductory statistics course? What prerequisites do you believe are necessary?
Favorite classroom activities Each panelist has provided a favorite simulation activity. The activities are included in a handout that is available on the conference website.
The following questions will be discussed at the AMATYC Statistics Committee Meeting to be held from 4:15 – 5:45 PM tomorrow (Friday): How should statistics education fit into the college curriculum? Many state articulation guides recommend a specific set of topics to be covered in the introductory statistics course. Is the trend to include too many topics? What recommendations can be made to those faculty who are struggling to cover each topic in a level of depth that they deem acceptable?
Note: The Statistics Resource Page is featured on the main page of the AMATYC website. A link to the ASA’s This is Statistics, a series of videos and articles promoting careers in statistics will be available on The Statistics Resource Page.
Coming Attractions: Statistics Webinars sponsored by the AMATYC/ASA Joint Committee Graphical Representation of Data – Roxy Peck December 8, 2014; Noon Pacific Time Using Real World Data for Statistical Analysis – Kelly Fitzpatrick, February 2015 Assessment – Bob delMas April 2015
Thank you for your attention. Roxy Peck, Michael Sullivan, Marty Triola, Mary DeHart,