French Education System By Morkache Zinelabidine
Summary History of French Education How we grade in France ? And Is there mandatory clothes ? Middle School High school UTBM
History of French education First school cames from Roman empire Presbyterien school (only for monks and sisters ) First school like modern school invented by Emperor Charlemagne (742-814)
History of French Education The University of Paris was one of the first university of europe (1150 AD) Law of Jule Ferry in 1882 : Public School free for everyone , mandatory until 13 years old and secular education Charles de Gaule in 1956 : School mandatory until 16 years old
Is there mandatory clothes? How we grade in France ? We grade from 0 to 20 for each cours At the end of each Trimester, we calcul the total of all of the courses and if the mean is > 10 ,we pass. Is there mandatory clothes? No for public school
Middle School (11-15) 4 years : 1st year : called the Sixth 2nd year : called the Fifth 3rd year : called the Fourth 4th year : called the third We pass the National Diploma (50% is the mean of the year grade and 50% is Final exam) Technical High school Common High school
We pass the « Baccalauréat » High school (15-18) 3 years : 1st year : The second 2nd year : The premier( Specialisation) 3rd year : called the Terminal We pass the « Baccalauréat » Written and Oral exam
UTBM The University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard 5 years : 2 years : Common core 3rd year : Choice of Engineering Department 4th year : 6 month of internship and then 6 month of specialisation 5th year : 6 month of spécialisation and the final internship and then graduated Be an Engineer Start a Thesis
UTBM The University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard Course : More than 100 choices of courses Grades A to F but : A : 10% first B : 10% after C : 10 % after D : 20 % after E : People around the limit grade F : Under 10 if the mean of the class is over 10 or under the mean of the class
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