Group – 8 Maunik Shah Hemant Adil Akanksha Patel
Unknown Word handling: ◦ Using Previous tags ◦ Using Smoothing
Unknown Word handling: ◦ Using Previous tags W n-1 |T n-1 Emission Table Wn|T n T1T1 T2T2 T m-1 TmTm W n-1 T1T1 T2T2 T m-1 TmTm T1T1 T2T2 TmTm Transition Table
Unknown Word handling: ◦ Using Smoothing ◦ P(W n |T n ) = #(W n |T n ) + ℷ #(T) + k ℷ ℷ = 0.1 K = |W| ; number of distinct words in corpus T = tags Wn|T n
Accuracy by previous tag method (bigram) = % Accuracy by smoothing method (bigram) = 92.29% Accuracy by smoothing method (trigram) = 92.88%
D iscriminative Method Argmax P(t n | w n, t n-1 ) t n P(t n | w n, t n-1 ) = # # Accuracy = 89.07% Generative Method Accuracy = 92.29%
Only word model P(W n |W n-1 ) Accuracy = Using POS Tags P(W n |T n-1,W n-1 ) Accuracy = Perplexity :: For word model => For word-tag model =>
g =Σ - log(transition probability*Emission probability) h = hop count * X X=min[-log (transition Probability * Emission probability)] Accuracy of system :: %
( Study assignment ) Presentation has already given by us…
( Study assignment ) Presentation has been prepared...
Demo has been prepared in terms of DFS.. Example output :: Input siring 1 :: Tardeo Input siring 2 :: Egmore Tardeo Mumbai Maharastra India Tamilnadu Chennai Egmore ( Using only yagoGeoData file as knowledge Database )
Natural Language Processing seems like a linguistic subject as first glance but more than that it has a lot of Machine Learning, AI algorithms and Mathematics involved.. Linguistic is base but NLP is more about involving linguistic to mathematics and AI.. And seeing at the applications of NLP, we have to simply say that NLP is important to almost all automatic user interactive applications and that even involves future web structure.
We now have a whole different approach to linguistic than we had 4 months ago.. Before we learn this subject we could never think of even including probability with language, the two most distanced and most distasteful topics we had seen before coming here.. If we tell others that we are learning linguistic subject here in IITB, they clueless guys may just laugh on us but we know that it has more interesting things to learn than we could learn in any other subject, that includes things about linguistics and applications of mathematics in linguistics too..