CAUSE OF DEATH: WOUNDS “Bodies of Evidence” Unit Notes #2
During the External Exam Make observations of the body Make observations of wounds Collect trace evidence
During the Internal Exam Collect trace evidence Calculate the trajectory the wound Make casts (models) of weapons
Asphyxia Asphyxia = death from lack of oxygen (smothering) Indicators: Blood at nose, mouth Bloodshot eyes Purple skin Fibers in mouth or nose As evidence: Compare fibers Collect skin cells/DNA
Strangulation Strangulation = death from compression of the neck (prevents breathing) Indicators: Blood at nose, mouth Bloodshot eyes Purple skin Bruising at neck As evidence: Ligature strangulation – collect fibers Manual strangulation – collect skin cells/DNA
Drowning Drowning = death by submersion in water Indicators: Bloodshot eyes Purple skin Water in mouth, throat, lungs As evidence: Can match water to a location
Blunt Force Trauma Blunt force trauma = death by sudden impact Indicators: Bruises and bleeding Depressions or swollen areas As evidence: Match cast to weapon Match trace evidence to weapon
Close-Range Gunshot Wound Close-range = shot from within 8 inches Indicators: Ragged or star-shaped wound Stippling (powder burns) Gunshot residue As evidence Bullet striations Trace evidence (fibers or DNA) Calculate trajectory
Long-Range Gunshot Wound Long-range = shot from more than 8 inches Indicators: Neat, round entry hole No stippling No gunshot residue As evidence: Bullet striations Trace evidence (fibers or DNA) Calculate trajectory
Stab Wound Stabbing = Attack with a sharp blade or pointed object Indicators: Round or slit-shaped wounds Neater wounds indicate a sharper weapon Bruises from hilt As evidence: Match cast to weapon Calculate trajectory