Question time: stimulating participation in lectures via mobile devices Ben Abell Biosciences Sheffield Hallam University
Lecture-based learning Problems: - students easily become passive learners - discussion hard to promote and manage Project aim: - promote student participation using mobile devices - using online questions
Context Level 4 Biosciences module Plant physiology and anatomy - whole plants to molecular detail at cellular, DNA and protein level - photosynthesis and biochemical pathways 40 students Typical structure min chunks of lecture material using Powerpoint - questions included in slides min breaks to discuss questions - class discussion
Technology Audience response systems - powerful, but need to manage equipment and software Text responses - ConnectTxt: links with Blackboard - Polleverywhere: now combines txt and web responses, but limited numbers (40 is free), and less control over saving questions and different question types Web responses via Google Docs Forms - free using Google account - using excel-type question sheet - range of question types - easily saved and modified
Setting up the form Open Google Docs Forms app Enter questions Go to live form QR codes?
Using Google Forms Access the live form using a weblink Long version: ZHU2Q1FuVFBYc1lrZ1JCMWc6MQ#gid=0 Shortened using online - Also tracks devices and browser used
Using Google Forms via QR code QR code apps available e.g. i-nigma for iPhone Fast direction to weblink
Using Google Forms: session structure Lecture for min Group Qs 5-10 min Discuss responses 5-10 min
Student experience Survey of 40 students, 37 responses Generally positive: would like more use of quizzes, and online is preferred method Most valued aspects - Staying alert and enjoying session - Peer learning (groups 2-4) - Learning facts - BUT NOT understanding concepts
(Some) problems & solutions ProblemSolutions Access to mobile deviceTraining on accessing web and QR codes Group quizzes Provide iPod Touch or iPad Mainly fact recallSet some complex and open ended questions Class managementEnsure easy access Structured timing
Acknowledgements Susannah Diamond and mobile learning project Robin Gissing (HWB e-learning) Plant Physiology students