+ Vocabulary Unit 17
+ Learning Objective Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of vocabulary words in lesson 17. Students will be able to develop a deeper understanding from vocabulary lesson 17.
+ Learning Goal: Students will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the words lesson 17. Rate yourself! 4- I COMPLETELY understand all the vocabulary words! 3- I understand most words but need more practice. 2- I understand a few words but need a lot more practice. 1- I do not understand any or most of these words. Help!!!
+ Example Activity Word: Enigma Meaning: An intentionally obscure statement; a riddle Someone or something that is puzzling or mysterious Where can I find this word? Examples can come from the following: -Real world -Literature -Personal Experience -Music/ Arts/ Drama -Other *Pick one or two. Real World: In the human body, cells declare war on other cells, attacking them for no apparent reason. Literature: Oedipus Rex- The Sphinx held the city of Thebes captive in the play Oedipus Rex. The enigma/riddle asked: What walks on four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon, and three feet in the evening?
Word: Enigma Meaning: An intentionally obscure statement; a riddle Someone or something that is puzzling or mysterious Where can I find this word? Real World: Crossword puzzle clues contain puns, enigmas, and other brainteasers! Literature: Oedipus Rex- The Sphinx held the city of Thebes captive in the play Oedipus Rex. The enigma/riddle asked: What walks on four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon, and three feet in the evening? Image: What does it look like? Mnemonic Devices: e(nigma) Consider the word in brackets. Nigma sounds Nagma. Nagma's affair is always a mystery and puzzle. What a mind boggler!
+ Template Word: _________________________ Meaning:______________________ Where can I find this word? Examples can come from the real world, literature, personal experience, or music/ arts/ drama. *Pick one or two. Draw: a picture, symbol, or graph Mnemonic Devices: silly sentence, rhyme, or show its opposite **Use Synonyms, Antonyms, or Related Phrases to help you!
+ Groups and Word Assignments Group 1: Fiasco and Fickle Group 2: Filch and Finesse Group 3: Flagrant and Flaunt Group 4: Flout and Fluctuate Group 5: Foible and Forestall Group 6: Formidable and Fortuitous Group 7: Frugal and Fulsome Group 8: Futile, Depression, Recession Group 9: Pick 2 words from “A Verbal Diversion”
+ Groups Group 1: Cole, Ramez and Zaire Group 2: Gilda, Sam, and Naomi Group 3: Brianna D., Jared, and Kevin Group 4: Chyna, Ben G., and Jaymee Group 5: Hannah, Adam, and Phi Group 6: David, Hafsa, Aaron, and Maddie Group 7: Dennis, Abigail, and Brianna S. Group 8: Ben T., Ethan, and Rachel Group 9: Danielle, TJ, and Jay Jay
+ Groups Group 1: Gurkirat and Danielle Group 2: Matt, Liza, and Gabby Group 3: Megan, Michaela, Arth Group 4: Julia, Chyna, and Sam Group 5: Alex, Rachael, and Yael Group 6: Jake, Emma, and Dahyo Group 7: Sean, Katy, and Lisa Group 8: Chris and Stephanie Group 9: Joy, Jarod, and Allie
+ Learning Goal: Students will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the words lesson 17. Rate yourself! 4- I COMPLETELY understand all the vocabulary words! 3- I understand most words but need more practice. 2- I understand a few words but need a lot more practice. 1- I do not understand any or most of these words. Help!!!