Andrea Jiménez Paola Lara Viviana León Marcelo Llano Michael Macías Amanda Montaluisa Miguel Pachacama Gabriela Paucar
This is homework where we want to show you the effects that the violence has in the society and in this case in the women. It`s easy see the acts the man do in public and it´s hard to think that we can`t do anything for the people suffer the consequences of this acts, but we are wrong, there are many ways to help these disadvantaged people.
Violence is the kind of human interaction that is manifested in those behaviors or situations that would deliberately cause or threaten to do so, a serious injury or submission to an individual or a community.
The essential element of violence is the harm, both physical and psychological. This can manifest in many ways and associate, also, to various forms of destruction: physical injury, humiliation, rejection, etc…
The term sexual violence refers to acts of coercion against a person for the purpose of carrying out a particular sexual behavior, by extension, are also considered as examples of sexual violence "comments or unwanted sexual advances, or acts to market or use otherwise a person's sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of relationship to the victim, in any area, including the home and workplace.
The most frequent cases of sexual violence are exercised on children and the rape of women. The sex offender can be exclusive, but can also be accompanied by other profiling, this is the case of robberies, assaults, etc… The sex offender is not necessarily a stranger to the victim is sometimes precisely their daily proximity to it that gave you a certain degree of confidence that has led to the imposition of a particular relationship.
More victims are women and most abusers are men. The predominance of male aggressor is due to several factors: Increased sex drive, in part, by increasing testosterone in the blood, which can`t properly be inhibited due to several factors. Increased uncertainty of their sexual identity, which can promote interest in the exploration of various sexual stimulations. A greater impression of socio-cultural factors, such as the expectations of their behavior as a male, which are associated with a strong sex drive.
Women were victims of all forms of violation of human rights committed during the armed conflict, but also suffered specific forms of gender violence. Violence against women has far-reaching consequences for her and for their children and society. Women who are victims of violence suffer a range of health problems and decrease your ability to earn income and participate in public life. Their children are at much greater risk of health problems, poor school performance and behavior disorders.
The international law of human rights, both conventional and customary law and humanitarian law, protect the right to life, physical and psychological integrity, freedom, honor, dignity of every person, and prohibit any discrimination or restriction rights on grounds of sex.
Alternative measures is necessary to promote collective rather than individual responses such as hide, suffer or escape, they have produced no results. To reduce violence against women would require changing the norms and values that tolerate and encourage, as well as anything that reinforces sexist attitudes, the superiority of one sex over another. One way to achieve these changes would be through education on equal boys and girls. Educate both equal rights and opportunities, is that attitudes and values traditionally regarded as male or female can be accepted and undertaken by people of either gender and both in school and the family are taken into account the rights and the needs of girls. To prevent sexual assault is to promote a different sexuality. Today, it is confusing sexuality with aggression, violence, domination and even with improved social status, rather than tie it with affection, tenderness and communication.
A common example that we witness in everyday life is that of harassment in collective transport, we see that women, young and adults are physically abused and verbally, encouraging society to return to the times of sexist, where the woman feels helpless against these offenses.