Use of this service Checking location departure/arrival Checking time departure/arrival Benefits to the user or company Provides up to date information to help plan their journey Make money from charging people to access this service. Real examples boards/departureboards.aspx?line=bakerloo&mode=tube&station=BST TIMETABLES
Use of this service Checking what the weather in a certain location will be like that week. Checking what the weather will be like in advance. Benefits to the user or company People can see what the weather is like before going on holiday so they know what to pack. Real Examples WEATHER
Use of this service Gives where there are traffic jams. Tells how bad the traffic jams are and the cause. Benefits to user or company People know what road to avoid using on their route to somewhere. People have updates on how long a traffic jam will last if they are caught in one. Real Examples TRAFFIC REPORTS
Use of this service You can instantly sent a message across the world. Benefits to user or company Companies can make business plans with clients worldwide and there is no time delay. People can keep in touch with family and friends. Real Examples
Use of this service Social networking sites are used to post about yourself to friends and family and be ‘social’ online. Benefits to user or company People can keep in touch with family and friends. Companies can make a page to promote themselves. Real Examples SOCIAL NETWORKING
Use of this service A blog is a website where people blog about themselves or something. This can involve writing, music and pictures. Benefits to user or company Artists can post there art onto a page for people to look at. You can use it for a business. Real Examples BLOGS
Use of this service Online radio is where you can listen to radio stations online. Benefits to user or company You can listen to music through your phone or laptop on the go. Online radios are usually on the radio stations website which means that people will see advertisements for events etc. when going to listen to music. Real Examples
Use of this service Websites provide different games that can be played online. Most are free but some can charge. Benefits to users or company People have multiple choice of various different games. You don’t have to pay for most of them. For the ones that charge, the company can make a lot of money from extreme gamers. Real Examples
Use of this service Music download service provides you with music that you can download onto laptops, phones, iPod's ect. Benefit to user Being able to download music means that you don’t have to go out to the shop to get it, which makes it easier. Music downloads quickly which means that you get it right after you pay. Real Examples
Use of this service This service provides films that you can download from online. Benefits to user or company You can chose films from a range of genres and are not limited to what a store has in stock. Real Examples
Use of this service Internet banking allows you to sort out your bank account, add money, take money etc. Benefits to user or company Banks accounts can easily accessed, no need for leaving and travelling to the bank. Real examples INTERNET BANKING
Uses of this service Read books/magazines/newspapers on the go Have a regular subscription to a publication Benefits to the user or company The digital document can not be lost or damaged as it is not a physical item but an electronic resource. There is no wait for the new publication to arrive in the post Do not have to travel to get access to the publication Low security risk as it can not be stolen Real examples PUBLISHING
Use of this service Online auctions allow you to buy items online in an auction. ONLINE AUCTIONS
Uses of this service Allows you learn a tool within a specific software Allows you to use the software/product to the full advantage Benefits to the user or company Instant access to information to solve a problem No need to leave the comfort of their home Customer receives better customer service Customer feels more confident about the manufacturer Real examples MANUFACTURERS ONLINE TUTORIALS
Uses of this service Applying for your first provisional driving licence Completing tax return form Benefits to the user Saves time and is more convenient – saves you a visit to the most office and means you can take more time filling in the form. Can easily amend any errors Real Examples E-Voting Driving licence application Tax return GOVERNMENT
Uses of this service Business use this service to keep in touch with colleagues Teams of colleagues work on the same document even though they are not in the same room. Benefits of this service Its is cheaper if the call is international It allows teams of people to work together from across the world Better team work Real Examples Skype Google Docs BUSINESS
Uses of this service Using Microsoft training package for Windows 7 Accessing University course documents at home Benefits to the user Allows you to do training from the comfort of your own home You can work at your own pace when it is convenient for you Real Examples Moodle Open Learning VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT