In Defense of Slavery Fitzhugh’s Sociology for the South, 1854
Sociology for the South, 1854 Sociology for the South, or, the Failure of Free Society (1854) was George Fitzhugh’s attack on the philosophical foundations of free society. All men are not equal. "The Declaration of Independence is exuberantly false, and arborescently fallacious." He argued that free labor and free markets enriched the strong while crushing the weak.
Sociology for the South, 1854 The Negro race is inferior. They must be protected from the competitive structure of American society. Negroes are uneducated and unwise They need to be guarded and protected Democracy is not for uneducated children and never has been To even attempt to educate blacks would cost the government a fortune and would be wasted money
Sociology for the South, 1854 Back to Africa? Africa is worse. In Africa people are uncivilized, non-Christian savages. Negroes are welcome nowhere else (Africa, The West Indies or the North) Go North? The North is uncivilized (like Africa) and would crush the Negro through unfair competition Workers in England are treated worse than the Southern Negro. Slaves are fed and clothed. Can you say that for the “free” laborer of the North? ‘Free labor’ merely makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Do we want to contribute to the wealth of the wealthy by setting the slaves free?
Sociology for the South, 1854 Slavery is needed in the Southern economy. Some form of a caste system is a global historical truth. Stop pretending that we are born equal.
Sociology for the South, 1854 Human progress will be advanced by Negro slavery. Negro slavery will prevent from white slavery. The entire economic structure depends upon a subservient class. Southern slavery prevents the South from becoming dependent upon the North. We can make laws instituting humanity in slavery.
Sociology for the South, 1854 Slavery is honorable. Women, children and apprentices are also slaves. Society depends on the sacrifices of these groups. Negroes could not buy land. Without land they would perish. Slavery is more benevolent than it once was. The lot of the Southern slave has much improved since the early years.
Sociology for the South, 1854 The Southerner is the Negroes only friend.