Karl Marx By Cody Osguthorpe
Karl Marx Childhood Born into a wealthy middle class German family. His family line was Jewish until his father converted to Protestantism to keep his job as a lawyer. Education Attended the University of Bonn and the University of Berlin. Studied under the German Philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
Karl Marx Careers Attempted to at first teach Philosophy at a University but was unable to find employment because of his atheist beliefs. He settled on being on a journalist and became an editor of a newspaper in Cologne. He also published many pamphlets and books such as The Communist Manifesto.
Marxism Marx believed that the working class should be in control of the government and modes of production, also known as Socialism. He also believed that a Socialistic society would eventually turn into a classless society, known as Communism.
The Communist Manifesto A manifesto by Karl Marx and his lifelong friend Friedrich Engels. One of the most influential documents in the world. The document stated that Capitalism is an unfair society controlled by an elite few. The manifesto opens with "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles”. Which can be interpreted to mean that all of society problems have come from classes.
Marxism’s Impact Came up with the main ideas of Communism and was soon spread on an international level. Karl Marx influenced the following: – The Communistic ideas of Vladimir Lenin and the Russian Revolution. – The People’s Republic of China. – The current Ideology of North Korea.