Kayla Hill’s Kindergarten class Learning the Alphabet Kayla Hill’s Kindergarten class
Learning the alphabet… A is for Apple B is for Basket
Learning the alphabet… C is for Cat D is for Dog
Learning the alphabet… E is for Egg F is for Frog
Learning the alphabet… G is for Goat H is for House
Learning the alphabet… I is for Ice J is for Joke
Learning the alphabet… K is for Kite L is for Licorice
Learning the alphabet… M is for Mouse N is for Nice
Learning the alphabet… O is for Octopus P is for Pizza
Learning the alphabet… Q is for Queen R is for Rice
Learning the alphabet… S is for spaghetti T is for Television
Learning the alphabet… U is for Unicorn V is for violet
Learning the Alphabet… W is for Wisconsin X is for x-ray
Learning the alphabet… Y is for Yellow Z is for Zebra
Techniques for learning A,B,C’s Say them every night before going to bed Think of a word for each letter Do all assigned homework Play games using the alphabet