Trauma SGD MB
General Data MB 14/male From Rosario Cavite Grade 6, unemployed Right-handed
Chief Complaint Multiple injuries
HPI DOI: June 8, 2009 TOI: 4PM POI: Cavite Highway MOI: MVC (motorcycle vs. pedestrian) Patient was hit by a motorcycle on the right side of his body while he was crossing the highway. (-) LOC, (-) headache, (-) vomiting, (-) DOB, (+) pain on right leg, (+) multiple abrasions Patient was ambulatory but had difficulty due to pain
HPI Motorcycle driver brought the patient to a local hospital – X-ray done showed a femoral fracture – Anti-tetanus shot given – Wooden splint was placed – Referred to PGH for admission PGH ER: 10 hours post-injury (12MN of June 9, 2009)
ROS (+) headache (VAS 8/10) (-) dizziness (-) blurring of vision (-) difficulty breathing (-) cough/colds (-) hematemesis/vomiting (+) change in bowel movement (once since the day of injury) (-) pain on the extremities
PMH (+) bronchial asthma (-) PTB (-) allergies (-) goiter (-) hypertension Bronchial asthma (Cavite Hospital, 1998)
FMH (+) PTB (father) (+) hypertension (mother) (-) bronchial asthma (-) allergies (-) goiter (-) DM
Personal and Social History (-) smoking (-) alcohol use
General Survey Awake Conscious Coherent Not in cardiorespiratory distress
Vital Signs BP 120/70 HR 72 beats/min RR 18 breaths/min Temperature afebrile Not in pain
Systemic PE HEENT AS, PPC, (-) CLAD, (-) TPC, (-) ANM, supple neck Chest/Lungs No gross deformities, SCE, CBS, (-) rales/wheezes CVS AP, AB = PMI, 5 th ICS LMCL, DHS, NRRR, (-) heaves, (+) palpable thrill LPSB Abdomen Flat, NABS, soft, non-tender, (-) masses GU (-) CVA tenderness, deferred
Skin/Extremities (+) skeletal traction on right leg Varus deformity of right hip Multiple abrasions Right groin Left knee Bilateral ankles (-) foul odor on abrasions (+) edematous right leg FEP, PNB, (-) cyanosis, (-) discoloration continued at the next slide…
Skin/Extremities (-) tenderness, (+) warmth on right leg, (+) swelling right hip Girth above the patella: 39 cm (right), 30 cm (left) ROM of hip: deferred Symmetrical ROM of ankles and upper extremities No sensorimotor deficits True leg length: 75cm (right), 77cm (left)
Working Impression Multiple injuries secondary to a MVC – Hip: fracture, closed, complete, spiral, displaced, subtrochanteric, femur, right – Multiple abrasions