General Information… Started on June 28, 1914 Ended on November 11, ,000,000 dead, 22,000,000 wounded
Reasons for start of war Militarism – building up military Alliance system - European powers formed rival alliances to protect themselves Imperialism- acquiring territory nationalism – pride in country –The PROBLEM- One event could drag all countries involved into a conflict.
Alliance System -Central Powers- Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Ottoman Empire -Allies- Britain, France, and Russia
Problem in the Balkans Serbia wanted to take over Balkans (area near Greece). However, Austria- Hungary also wanted control of Serbia. Serbia was supported by Russia and the allies
The spark that lit the fuse…. Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austria) was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the The Black Hand, while visiting Bosnia
Outbreak! War (domino effect) –Austria declared war on Serbia –Russia mobilizes on Austria and German border (act of war) –Germany declares war on Russian and then France –France declared war on Austria and Germany
Kaiser Wilhelm II Leader of Germany. Thought the war would end in a year. “ You will be home before the leaves have fallen from the trees!!”
As war starts Many were led to believe the war would end in a matter of weeks and were excited to go to war Called the- “War to End All Wars.”
A new style of warfare The Schlieffen Plan- Germans would move quickly through Belgium and surround Paris British declare on Germany for violating Belgium neutrality Battle of the Marne- First major battle of war, heavy weapons, leads to trench warfare
Stalemate Stalemate- Neither the Germans nor the French could move beat either army. Trench Warfare- Two lines of trenches Neither army advanced much on the Western Front.
New Weapons Tanks Airplanes Machine Guns Grenades Chemical Warfare
Battle of Verdun the longest and one of the bloodiest engagements of the war. Feb-Dec war of attrition- wear down the other army till they surrender 700,000 total soldiers die
Figure 31.1: Approximate Comparative Losses in World War I
Propaganda Posters Propaganda- A governments initiative to sway the publics opinion toward war