1846 – Economic Problems lead to hardships ◦ Lower-middle class, workers, peasants Middle class wanted right to vote ◦ Gov’t refused to make changes 1848 – monarchy overthrown ◦ Provisional government created ◦ Constitutional Assembly Elected by Universal Male Suffrage
Nov. 4, 1848 – Second Republic created ◦ Single legislature elected by all males December 1848 – Elect Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte president ◦ Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte
Italy ruled by many groups ◦ Austria Venetia and Lombardy ◦ Spanish Bourbons Kingdom of Two Sicilies Italians don’t want to live under separate rulers ◦ 1815 – 1848 – move toward unification
1848 – nationalists look to Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia for leadership ◦ Largest and most powerful Italian state ◦ Liberal constitution 1849 – King Victor Emmanuel II
1852 – Camillo di Cavour appointed prime minister ◦ Expanded economy to increase gov’t revenues ◦ Created army Not large enough to defeat Austrians ◦ Cavour allies w/France 1858 – Louis-Napoleon Combined army takes over northern Italy, except Venetia
Cavour Secretly helped rebels in southern Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi leads Red Shirts ◦ Capture Sicily ◦ Conquers Southern Italy ◦ Given permission by people to unite North and South March 17, 1861 – Italy finally unified ◦ Garibaldi turns over control to King Victor Emmanuel III
◦ 1866 – Venetia becomes part of Italy ◦ 1870 – Italians take Papal States Ruled by pope Rome becomes capital of Italy
1839 – German Confederation ◦ 39 German states formed into a loose grouping ◦ Dominated by largest states Austria-Hungary Prussia has advantages Mainly German population Powerful army industrialized
Prussia Leads German Unification ◦ Authoritarian gov’t King had control over gov’t and military ◦ 1861 – Wilhelm I succeeds throne Reforms army and doubles military Liberal parliament refuses to give money Seen as challenge to authority Supported by Junkers – conservative wealthy landowners
Wilhelm I appoints Otto von Bismarck prime minister ◦ Realpolitik “Politics of reality” Power politics w/no room for idealism Based on practical matters not theory ◦ Ruled w/out consent of parliament and budget Ruled by “Blood and Iron”
Prussia Expands ◦ forms alliance w/Austria War w/Denmark to win Schleswig and Holstein
Seven Weeks’ War ◦ Causes conflict w/Austria over Schleswig and Holstein Austria declares war in 1866 ◦ 7 Weeks’ War Prussian victory Austrians lose Venetia to Italy Prussia controls northern Germany Joins eastern and western parts of Prussia 1867 – North German Confederation dominated by Prussia
Franco-Prussian War ◦ war with France ◦ Bismarck claims French insulted Wilhelm I ◦ French declare war on July 19, 1870 ◦ Southern Germany joins Prussia Nationalism joins territories ◦ January, 28, 1871 – French surrender Pay 5 billion francs Give up Alsace and Lorraine
Wilhelm I crowned kaiser (emperor) at Versailles ◦ Second Reich ◦ Dominance through “blood and iron” War and military strength
Following Congress of Vienna 5 Great Powers ◦ Britain, France, Austria, Prussia, and Russia By 1871 – 2 great powers ◦ Britain and Germany Most powerful militarily and economically ◦ Austria and Russia Lag far behind ◦ France in the middle Balance of Power had shifted ◦ Sets up possibility of future conflict