Assessing Team Projects s c h o o l s o f e n g I n e e r I n g S. D. Rajan Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment n Work on nontrivial problems –Emulate engineering workplace –Realistic, open-ended problems n Build teamwork skills –Break complex task into simpler, manageable tasks –Learn group roles and structure –Learn to understand and collaborate Motivations
FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment Case Study
FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment n Design a 10-storied office building with a rectangular footprint, located in downtown Tempe. The building is to be modeled as a planar steel frame with rigid connections. ASCE design code requirements must be used for computing dead, live and wind loads. Design Project 1: Design Problem Statement
FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment n Design a 6-storied office building with a rectangular footprint (120’ x 280’), located in downtown Tempe. The building is to be modeled as a series of identical planar steel frames with rigid connections. ASCE 7-20 design code requirements must be used for computing dead, live and wind loads. Design Project 2: Design Problem Statement
FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment Design Problem Statement
FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment n Pre-requisites –Theory and examples covered in class –Computer software usage and examples n In-class Discussions –Design Problem Statement –Group Dynamics –Discussion on Grading Rubric –Using Blackboard Discussion Board n Feedback after Design Project #1 Resources
FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment Grading Rubric (see attachments) ComponentDemonstrable Mastery CompetentNot Mature Technical Writing (25%) Procedures and Tools Used (15%) Design (40%) Economy of Design (20%) Oral Presentation (20%: Bonus)
FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment Hands-On Exercises
FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment n Step 1: Choose a course that is amenable to a group project n Step 2: Develop the project specifications n Step 3: Construct the grading rubric n Step 4: Construct the grade sheet(s) Assessment Exercise