CALO News Pascal Perret LPC Clermont 23 October 2011
2 News Planning: Ion run: 12/11 – 8/12: Beam stop 08/12 06:00 am … X-mas break: 8/12 – 7/3 Safety: RP shall be informed prior to Access inside the detector Opening/closure of detector Destructive work Handling of fluids 14/12-20/12 Reduced power (ventilation, access restriction to ux85 may happen) Online services (computers, infrastructure) will be stoped from Dec 22 nd to Jan 4 th Some online activities not yet scheduled Start PUMP DOWN 24/2 Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 23/11/2011
3 X-mas break activities SPD: Check/change of some regulator boards (or resistors) ~1 week per side: PS: no activities ECAL/HCAL: Check/change of few PMT/C-W ~2 days per side Specific treatment for anything in ZDR (Radioactive Waste Zoning) we need to treat is as radioactive! L0 hadron trigger: cable tests (XCAL platform) To be scheduled Write a description/procedure of the works you plan to do Survey measurements? Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 23/11/2011
4 X-mas break activities Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 23/11/2011 Should fit with RICH2 activities
5 X-mas break activities Remarks: You will have to work in a radioactive area! RP survey has to be done after opening/closure of detector Look carefully at Gloria’s presentation: d=slides&confId= We have to benefit of the opening of the detectors to change some (all?) passive radioactive detectors: SPD, ECAL, HCAL, electronics (VFE, FE, HV) ECAL irradiated modules? New procedures for the opening/closing of detectors EDMS notes under revision: + checklist & report forms Help will be needed to move the detectors Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 23/11/2011
6 Activities Follow-up Documentation: New procedure for HCAL Cs source runs has to be written Status? Update of the procedure for the piquets during the break! Prepare new piquet training documentation/session for February New Data Manager pages … Publications: Public note: “Calibration and alignment of the SPD detector with cosmic rays and first LHC collisions” under review Similar notes from PS, ECAL & HCAL expected Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 23/11/2011
7 Calibration XCAL PMT gain change follow up during data taking Proposal from Jacques to decrease HCAL PM gain by a factor 4 cf Yuri’s talk Put in place a process to follow more closely detector efficiency changes with the delivered luminosity Progress from Marie-Noelle Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 23/11/2011
8 Next meetings 2012: 08/02 21/03* (prior LHCb week) 25/04 13/06* 25/07 29/08* 10/10 21/11* Pascal Perret - LPC Clermont 23/11/2011