Strategies for solving word problems: 1)Read the problem twice. 2) Pick out only relevant information. 3) Decide on which function or function(s) you would use: -, +, x, or 4) Estimate. 5) After solving, re-read the problem to see if your answer makes sense.
The population of Canada was about in July of Data show that there were about 497 cellular phones per people in that year. How many cellular phones were there in Canada in 2007 ? The number 2007 is not needed, as it is just a date. Next, found out how many 1000’s are in by dividing by to get Estimate x 497 by changing it to x 500 to get Calculate x 497 to get If it’s close to your estimate then your answer is reasonable !
Work on text pages 52 – 54 Word-Problem Article Project Money Project Optional (bonus marks) Extra Practice (marks) Worksheet: What Trick Can Any Horse Do?
1) Get a copy of the 3 newspaper articles. 2) For each article, create either 4 word problems involving -, +, x and or one large problem that would use all four functions. 3) Estimate an answer for each problem you create and show all work. 4) Calculate the actual answers; show all work and provide a concluding sentence with your findings. 5) Do a good copy on loose leaf or plain white paper, decorating around your pages with colored drawings related to the articles.
Pretend you have $ to spend. Using the internet, catalogues, etc. find items that you could buy to make up that amount. (At least 10 items.) Create a poster or some other display to communicate your findings.