July 11, 2007 HC WorkshopG.J. COELINGH - AT / MEL 1 Energy Extraction
July 11, 2007 HC WorkshopG.J. COELINGH - AT / MEL 2 SECTOR A circuits with Energy Extraction PIC2 and powered up to 200A: 12 Tested circuits; RSF1.A78B1&B2MS: 360 mH RQTD.A78B1&B2, RQTF.A78B1&B2 (180 A)MQT: 248 mH RSD1.A78B1&B2, RSD2.A78B2MS: 432 mH RCS.A78B2MCS: 123 mH RQ6.R7B1&B2MQTL: 720 mH PIC1: 27 circuits (all) were tested; 16 in UA83 and 11 in RR77 3 opening requests for PIC1 3 opening requests for PIC2 3 trip levels (50, 100, 200A) for powering and many opening requests because of “tuning” of power converters and detectors Total number of opening requests: > 200 What was done?
July 11, 2007 HC WorkshopG.J. COELINGH - AT / MEL 3 RESULTS: All systems performed as expected Systems and all switches opened at request No Spurious Openings Few Closing Failures were reported (2% is expected) Opening time was measured on circuits powered up (opening time is defined from the moment of Fast Power Abort to the moment of maximum current in the dump-resistor) PM files can be used for (limited) analysis (event time of QPS, PIC & PC is not coherent.. Already mentionned) SECTOR A circuits with Energy Extraction
July 11, 2007 HC WorkshopG.J. COELINGH - AT / MEL 4
July 11, 2007 HC WorkshopG.J. COELINGH - AT / MEL 5 RSD2.A78B2 Energy Extraction at -200A Topen: 15ms Udump-max: 92 V RSD2.A78B2 Energy Extraction at -200A Topen: 15ms Udump-max: 92 V
July 11, 2007 HC WorkshopG.J. COELINGH - AT / MEL 6 SECTOR A circuits with Energy Extraction What have we learned? No circuits were powered up to Inom. No learning curve there. Nevertheless => Field measurements have shown no significant surprises and will be minimized in future to PLI3 or/and PNO Up to level PLI3, this will allow more parallel testing and limit resources in the tunnel. Reaching level PLI2 will probably allow to go faster to PLI3 and therefore minimizing the time for measurements in the tunnel. Existing NC were closed before starting HWC for sector 7-8 One NC to be created for broken switch (holding coil) during IST and SCT tests Solution found and accepted by CERN and BINP/Manufacturer– build-in is on- going; 30% is done. »WILL BE FULLY TRANSPARENT FOR HWC Available resources: 4 specialists for QPS/EE installations - CCC or FIELD 11 trained QPS project associates - CCC or FIELD (continuation of some is not clear yet) 5 technicians to support CCC/Field engineers 3 CERN staff to be trained - CCC or FIELD Going to 2 sectors in parallel, working on 2 fronts and in 2 shifts will present a critical workload for all..