Bonding Exercises
Using Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.1 find definitions of the following: Electronegativity First Ionization Energy Valence Electron Cation Anion Chemical Bond Ionic Bond Covalent Bond Polar Covalent Bond Non-Polar Covalent Bond
Write a paragraph (or two) containing 6 of these ten terms, used in proper context.
See how many you can get exactly right in 4 minutes. Using the periodic table of electronegativities on page 161, calculate the electronegativity differences of the atom pairs on Page 209, Q 6
In 2 minutes Differentiate each pair as either ionic, polar covalent, and non-polar covalent,
15 minutes Using Chapter 6.2 Define the following: Octet rule Molecule Diatomic Molecule Molecular Compound Ionic Compound Molecular Formula Formula Unit Bond Energy Lone Pair Shared Pair