MOTIVATED BAHAVIOUR of a person By Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations
Any human can motivate by both internal and external factors, as there are always a mixture of reasons why you are doing something? In New York Plenum press, Deci and Ryan in 1985; divided Motivational types: Extrinsic and Intrinsic were used to discover which type best described how their choices had been influenced. So, there are two types of motivations which mainly affects on human behaviour: Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation
Behaviors exhibited by humans and which are influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics or genetics. Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors. For instance: An individual has not eaten, he or she feels hungry, and as a response he or she eats and diminishes feelings of hunger. Therefore The Motivated behavior can be defined as the person in any condition, internal to an organism, that appears by his activities, or maintain goal to directed.
Intrinsic Motivation Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from inside an individual rather than from any external or outside rewards, such as money or fame. ( It is therefore, the pleasure one gets from the task itself or from the sense of satisfaction in completing or even working on a task.
Extrinsic Motivation Extrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from outside an individual. The motivating factors are external, or outside, rewards such as money or grades. These rewards provide satisfaction and pleasure that the task itself may not provide. The rewards can be something as minor as a smiley face to something major like fame or fortune. (
Example of Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivated behavior of a person Someone who writes music for his own listening pleasure is relying on intrinsic motivation. A person who writes music to sell for profit is using extrinsic motivation.
References Deci EL & Ryan RM 1985 Intrinsic Motivation and Self Determination in Human Behaviour New York Plenum Press [Accessed : 14 november 2012] [Accessed : 14 november 2012]