Does God demand we keep his law even though we can’t? Yes, God maintains the demands of his law which is good, holy and just. Why? Because man was made capable of obeying it but he deprived himself and all his posterity of this capability. How? By listening to the devil and wilfully disobeying, thus depriving himself of the divine gifts of righteousness, holiness and true knowledge (God’s image).
Can God suffer such disobedience to go unpunished? No! He is terribly displeased (Psalm 5:5, Romans 1:18). How does he punish sin? Temporal misery and eternal desolation in hell (Matthew 25:41-46) Prove this is due to disobeying his law? Galatians 3:10 (Deut.27:26) But is God not also merciful? Yes but his mercy cannot contradict his justice.
What does his justice require? Since sin is committed against the most high majesty of God, it must be punished with extreme, that is, with everlasting punishment of body and soul. Romans 2:5-9.
With acknowledgment PRCA Catechism Book Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 4 memory-work-ld-1-26